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Our Impact

Across Asia, we’re improving the lives of street dogs, protecting wild animals from poaching, ending the intensive confinement of pregnant sows and egg-laying hens, shutting down the dog and cat meat trade, promoting humane solutions to wildlife conflicts, ending the use of animals in research and more.


dogs raised for slaughter in South Korea were rescued by Humane World for Animals before we helped ban the dog meat trade there


countries around the world have banned cosmetics animal testing—including South Korea and India


percent of Bhutan’s street dogs have been sterilized and vaccinated with our support

What we are working on

Across Asia, we're fighting the dog meat trade, working to end factory farming and animal testing, protecting wildlife and street animals, and helping animals in cruelty situations and in the aftermath of disasters.

Dogs in a cage on a South Korea dog meat farm.

Jean Chung for HSI

The dog meat trade will be illegal in South Korea by 2027.

End the dog and cat meat trades

Millions of dogs and cats are subjected to brutal capture and killing for the meat trade. We campaign year-round in South Korea, Indonesia, China, Viet Nam and India to end this cruelty.

People feeding community dogs

NItesh Vasava/HSI

Caring for community dogs in Vadodara, India.

Street dog welfare

Our dog management program provides an integrated and humane solution to India’s street dog population challenge.


Lance Murphey/AP Images for Humane World for Animals

Compassionate, healthy and delicious!

Forward Food

Through the Forward Food initiative, we're working to create a healthier, more sustainable food system.

Two men carefully handle a snake contained safely within a bag

Sumanth Bindumadhav/HSI

A demonstration with careful handling.

Human-wildlife coexistence

In India, we're working to decrease incidence of snake bites to protect snakes and humans.

A mouse being handled


Animals don't need to suffer for science to advance.

Ending animal testing

In 2020, more than 4 million monkeys, dogs, pigs, birds, rabbits, rodents and other animals died in South Korean laboratories. We're supporting legislation there to advance science without suffering.


Ovidiu Iordachi/iStock

Farmed animals should be able to move around freely.

Focus on farmed animal welfare

In Viet Nam, we're working with retailers and restaurants to improve animal welfare in food supply chains.

Where we work

Humane World for Animals is working toward the end of cruelty to animals in Asia. We have staff on the ground or support local organizations throughout the region.

Latest News

Spay and neuter clinic in Romania


A spay and neuter clinic by Sachet Vet in May 2024 (Romania) sponsored by HSI/Europe.

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Jean Chung/For Humane World for Animals