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Cuatro años de fiesta sin crueldad en Yucatán
IZAMAL—Por cuarto año consecutivo se llevó a cabo un festival sin crueldad animal en lugar del Kots Kaal Pato, antiguo ritual en el que pequeños animales eran colocados en piñatas y se les golpeaba hasta matarlos o cortarles la cabeza. Humane Society International México, junto con asociaciones
Dogs rescued from puppy mill in Limón receive justice
SAN JOSÉ—The Sanctioning Administrative Proceeding Court of the National Animal Health Department (SENASA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock announced a sentence in favor of animal welfare in Costa Rica, convicting a person who was breeding dogs in a puppy mill. Humane Society
Perros rescatados de un criadero de cachorros en Limón reciben justicia
SAN JOSÉ—El Tribunal de Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionatorio del Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal (SENASA) del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería anunció una sentencia a favor del bienestar animal en Costa Rica, condenando a una persona que criaba perros para la venta. Humane Society
Humane Society International/India completes animal birth control program in Malappuram
MALAPPURAM—Humane Society International/India, on the completion of two years of its animal birth control (ABC) program at Malappuram in Kerala, has decided to hand over operations to the District Animal Husbandry Department and Jilla Panchayat. Over the past two years, HSI/India’s dog management
Horrific neglect of captive bred lions owned by South African Predator Association council member renew calls for the industry to end
CAPE TOWN—Shocking photos from an anonymous source have revealed severely neglected lions covered in mange at a captive breeding facility in the North West Province of South Africa, providing a shocking insight into an industry that breeds an estimated 12,000 lions on approximately 200 farms across
La Parroquia de Veracruz will offer exclusively 100% cage-free eggs in all its restaurants
VERACRUZ—The Mexican diner chain La Parroquia de Veracruz announced its new commitment to animal welfare, pledging to source only cage-free eggs in its egg supply chain by 2025. With 32 restaurants in Mexico, the company worked with Humane Society International on the adoption of this policy, and
La Parroquia de Veracruz ofrecerá únicamente huevo 100% libre de jaula en todas sus unidades
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – La cadena mexicana de cafeterías La Parroquia de Veracruz se compromete con el bienestar animal, y anuncia que se abastecerá exclusivamente de huevo libre de jaula en toda su cadena de abasto para el año 2025. Con 32 locaciones en la República Mexicana, la empresa trabajó junto
HSI hails European Union for a decade of saving baby seals
BRUSSELS—Humane Society International celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the historic European Union ban on trade in commercial seal products. The EU ban, a watershed event in the global campaign to stop commercial sealing, was adopted by an overwhelming majority in the European Parliament on 5
Humane Society International provides veterinary care and reunites pets with their owners after massive landslide in Bolivia
LA PAZ—In the aftermath of a landslide that swept away dozens of homes last week, leaving hundreds of people without a place to live, a team from Humane Society International is in La Paz to provide veterinary care and to help reunite dogs and cats with their families. An innovative tattoo numbering
Humane Society International brinda atención veterinaria y reúne a mascotas con sus dueños luego de un deslizamiento en Bolivia
LA PAZ: Como consecuencia de un deslizamiento de tierra que enterró docenas de hogares la semana pasada dejando a cientos de personas sin hogar, el equipo de Humane Society International (HSI) en La Paz brindó atención veterinaria y ayudó a reunir a perros y gatos con sus familias. Un innovador
VIDEO: Seal pups stolen from the wild by Chinese aquarium traffickers are released back to the sea
LONDON – Thirty-seven spotted seal pups have been released back to wild in China three months after Dalian police found the stolen animals starving and dying in a shed at a remote coastal farm in the village of Hutou, Wafangdian. The pups were snatched from the wild by traffickers for the aquarium
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asks Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support a ban on Japan’s ivory trade
WASHINGTON—As athletes and organizers prepare for the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support efforts to end the ivory trade in Japan, the largest ivory market in the world. Mayor de Blasio is among a growing group of world
ビル・デブラシオ ニューヨーク市長が、小池百合子 東京都知事へ 日本における象牙取引禁止に対する支持を要請 動物保護団体および環境保護団体から称賛の声が上がる
仮訳 プレスリリース ワシントン(2019年5月17日)-ビル・デブラシオ ニューヨーク市長が、小池百合子 東京都知事に対し、世界最大の象牙市場を擁する日本で象牙取引を終焉させる取組みを支持するよう要請した。影響力を高めつつある世界のリーダー・市民選出の公職者の一人に数えられるデブラシオ市長が、とりわけ2020年夏の競技大会の開催が迫るこの時期に、全ての象牙販売を禁止し、違法な象牙取引を撲滅することを求めているのである。 デブラシオ市長は、 小池知事に送った手紙の中で、次のように述べている。 「翌年の五輪の主要テーマは、『持続可能性』とされ、これが『より良い未来へ、ともに進もう。
Premier Pet becomes the first pet food company to announce a cage-free egg policy in Brazil and Latin America
SÃO PAULO—Premier Pet, one of the largest pet food companies in Brazil, has announced it will switch to exclusively cage-free eggs in its entire supply chain by 2025, becoming the first pet food company to adopt this policy in Brazil and Latin America. This announcement comes after working with
Over 200 wild exotic animals at a roadside zoo in Canada are rescued by Humane Society International following seizure in Montreal SPCA Criminal Code case of neglect and cruelty
ST-ÉDOUARD-DE-MASKINONGÉ, CANADA - Humane Society International/Canada, Friends of HSI, and HSI global -- with the generous support of the Eric S. Margolis Family Foundation -- are working alongside the Montreal SPCA in the seizure of animals from a roadside zoo in St-Édouard-de-Maskinongé, Quebec
Plus de 200 animaux exotiques d’un zoo canadien sauvés par Humane Society International suite à une saisie de la SPCA de Montréal pour cruauté et négligence, en vertu du Code criminel
SAINT-ÉDOUARD-DE-MASKINONGÉ, CANADA - Avec le généreux soutien de la Fondation Familiale Eric S. Margolis, Humane Society International/Canada, Les Amis de HSI et HSI monde travaillent de pair avec la SPCA de Montréal sur une saisie d’animaux dans un zoo à Saint-Édouard-de-Maskinongé, au Québec. Le
BREAKING: Prada Group goes fur-free
Milan--Italian luxury fashion house Prada Group – and all its brands, including Prada, Miu Miu, Church's, and Car Shoe – has announced it will no longer use animal fur in its designs or products starting with its Spring/Summer 2020 women’s collection. Humane Society International and the Humane
ÚLTIMA HORA: El Grupo Prada ya no utilizará pieles
Milán – El Grupo Prada, la lujosa casa de moda, junto con todas sus marcas, incluyendo Prada, Miu Miu, Church’s y Car Shoe, anunció que, a partir de febrero de 2020, ya no utilizará pieles de animales en sus diseños o productos, una vez que confeccionen su colección primavera/ verano de 2020 para
Premier Pet se torna a primeira empresa do ramo de pet food a anunciar uma política de ovos livres de gaiolas
SÃO PAULO – A Premiet Pet, uma das maiores empresas de pet food no Brasil, anunciou que utilizará exclusivamente ovos livres de gaiolas em toda a sua cadeia de abastecimento a partir de 2025, tornando-se a primeira empresa do ramo a adotar essa política no Brasil e em toda a América Latina. O
Korea’s first cross-ministerial forum to discuss new legislation supporting non-animal approaches in science to be held on May 30 in Seoul
SEOUL—Korea’s first-ever public forum to discuss replacing animal use in science will be hosted in Seoul at the National Assembly on May 30. Organized by Humane Society International and Korean lawyers’ group People for Non-Human Rights, the forum is co-hosted by members of National Assembly In-soon