Found 3903 results
Parrots regain their freedom in Peten, Guatemala after being rescued from illegal trafficking
PETEN, Guatemala—Thirty-six parrots ( Amazona autumnalis, Amazona albifrons and Pionus senilis) were released in the Rio Azul National Park, in Peten, Guatemala, on May 25, after being rescued from illegal trafficking and going through a rigorous rehabilitation process. The birds’ release resulted
Loros recuperan su libertad luego de ser rescatados del tráfico ilegal en Petén, Guatemala
PETÉN, Guatemala—Un grupo de 36 loros ( Amazona autumnalis, Amazona albifrons y Pionus senilis), especies en grave peligro de extinción debido al tráfico ilegal de fauna silvestre, fue liberado en el Parque Nacional Río Azul, en Petén, Guatemala, luego de haber sido rescatados o decomisados y pasar
Historischer Schritt der OECD: Tierschutz in die Leitsätze für globale Unternehmen aufgenommen
PARIS—Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) hat zum ersten Mal den Tierschutz in ihre Leitsätze für internationale Unternehmen für verantwortungsbewusstes unternehmerisches Handeln aufgenommen und fordert die Unternehmen auf, den Tierschutz in ihrer
OECD makes historic move: animal welfare incorporated into multinational business guidelines
PARIS —The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has, for the first time, included animal welfare in its Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct , urging businesses to uphold animal welfare in their policies and practices. These guidelines, regarded
La OCDE da un paso histórico: el bienestar animal queda incorporado en las líneas directrices para empresas multinacionales
PARÍS—La Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, por vez primera, incluyó el bienestar animal en sus Líneas directrices para empresas multinacionales para una conducta empresarial responsable ( Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct ), instando
Decisione storica dell'OCSE: il benessere degli animali inserito nelle linee guida per le imprese multinazionali
PARIGI—L'Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE) ha incluso, per la prima volta, il benessere degli animali nelle sue Linee guida per le imprese multinazionali sulla condotta aziendale responsabile, esortando le aziende a sostenere il benessere degli animali nelle loro
Webinar following Chilean fires expands capacity to care for animals in crisis
CHILE—More than 300 people took part in a webinar on disaster response organized by the Responsible Ownership Program of the Undersecretary of Regional and Administrative Development of the Chilean government and supported by Humane Society International/Latin America. The webinar came after the
Webinar posterior a los incendios en Chile ayuda a fortalecer las capacidades de atención de animales en crisis
CHILE—Más de 300 personas fueron parte del seminario online en respuesta a desastres organizado por Programa de Tenencia Responsable (PTRAC) de la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo del gobierno de Chile con apoyo de HSI Latinoamérica (HSI/LA). El evento se realizó posterior a los
African conservationists, government officials and community leaders urge Peers to back a UK import ban on the ‘morally reprehensible colonial relic’ of trophy hunting
LONDON—A group of 103 wildlife conservation experts, scientists, government officials and community leaders who live or work in countries throughout Africa—including Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe—have sent an open letter to Members of the House
Afrykańscy działacze na rzecz ochrony przyrody, przedstawiciele rządów i liderzy lokalnych społeczności wzywają Izbę Lordów do poparcia brytyjskiego zakazu importu trofeów łowieckich jako „moralnie nagannego kolonialnego reliktu”
LONDYN, Warszawa—Grupa 103 ekspertów zajmujących się ochroną przyrody, naukowców, urzędników państwowych i liderów społeczności, którzy mieszkają lub pracują w krajach Afryki — w tym w Botswanie, Tanzanii, RPA, Nigerii, Demokratycznej Republice Konga i Zimbabwe — wysłała list otwarty do członków
Victory! Canadian Government passes provisions to phase out the use of animals in chemical toxicity testing
OTTAWA—Humane Society International/Canada is celebrating the passage of amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, aimed at phasing out the use of animals for chemical toxicity testing in Canada. The measures were included in Bill S-5, to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection
Zwycięstwo! Rząd Kanady przyjmuje przepisy mające na celu stopniowe wycofywanie zwierząt z badań chemikaliów pod kątem ich toksyczności.
OTTAWA—Humane Society International/Canada świętuje uchwalenie poprawek do kanadyjskiej ustawy o ochronie środowiska, mających na celu stopniowe wycofywanie zwierząt z testów chemikaliów pod kątem ich toksyczności w Kanadzie. Poprawki te zostały uwzględnione w ustawie S-5, mającej na celu zmianę
Our values
Our values define who we are. They reflect what we’re most proud of and how we want to grow. They guide our work and how we operate across our family of organizations. Like us, they are stronger together. Impact We are advocates for system-wide and long-term impact, working strategically to improve
Chinese activists rescue 19 dogs from a blood-soaked slaughterhouse in Yulin which kills pups for notorious dog meat festival
BEIJING—Chinese animal activists have rescued 19 dogs from an illegal slaughterhouse in the outskirts of Yulin, a week before the city’s infamous annual dog meat festival, at which thousands of dogs and cats will be killed and eaten, is due to begin. Shocking images show the bloody scenes
Attivisti cinesi salvano 19 cani da un macello di Yulin, intento a uccidere cani per il famigerato “festival” della carne di cane
PECHINO—Un gruppo di attivisti cinesi ha salvato 19 cani da un macello illegale alla periferia di Yulin, a una settimana dall’inizio del famigerato “festival” annuale della carne di cane della città, durante il quale migliaia di cani e gatti saranno uccisi e mangiati. Le immagini scioccanti raccolte
Confirmed: More than 1.5 million citizens demand a fur-free Europe
BRUSSELS, Belgium―Today it was officially confirmed that 1,502,319 EU citizens have signed the Fur Free Europe European Citizens’ Initiative calling on the European Commission to ban fur farming and prohibit the placing of fur products on the European market. This marks the 10th successful European
Potwierdzone: Ponad 1,5 miliona obywateli domaga się Europy bez futer
BRUKSELA, Belgia―„Mamy oficjalne potwierdzenie, że 1 502 319 obywateli UE podpisało europejską inicjatywę obywatelską „Europa wolna od futer”, wzywającą Komisję Europejską do wprowadzenia zakazu hodowli zwierząt na futra i wprowadzania produktów futrzarskich na rynek europejski. To już 10. udana
Confirmat: Mai mult de 1.5 milioane de cetățeni cer o Europă fără blănuri
BRUXELLES, Belgia―Astăzi s-a confirmat în mod oficial că 1,502,319 cetățeni UE au semnat inițiativa cetățenească europeană Fur Free Europe prin care fac apel la Comisia Europeană pentru a interzice fermele de blană și plasarea pe piața europeană a produselor din blană. Aceasta marchează cea de-a 10
HSI donates equipment to Costa Rican authorities to combat wildlife trafficking
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica— As wildlife trafficking has become a threat to hundreds of species, Humane Society International/Latin America is supporting Costa Rican authorities in their fight against it by donating equipment needed in wildlife trafficking investigations The equipment, which includes
Con donación de equipo, HSI apoya a autoridades en el combate del tráfico de vida silvestre en Costa Rica
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica— Al mismo tiempo que el tráfico ilegal de vida silvestre se ha convertido en una amenaza para cientos de especies, la organización de bienestar animal Humane Society International (HSI) apoya a las autoridades en Costa Rica en su lucha para combatirlo, mediante una donación de