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Reward for reporting dogfighting in Costa Rica and the United States

Rescued from dogfighting

Jay Kim

Rescued from dogfighting.

HSI and The Humane Society of the United States offer rewards for information about dogfighting in Costa Rica or the United States. Learn how to spot the signs of dogfighting.

Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the Tip Line for Complaints Against Dogfighting (8625-6000) allows citizens to send videos, photos and messages by cell phone that will identify people or places involved in dogfighting activities.

Through the tip line, people can report any type of animal fighting activities, contribute to the eradication of breeding facilities, provide information on locations holding illegal fights, and ultimately help dismantle animal fighting rings.

If the information provided is accurate and ultimately leads to the seizure of abused dogs and/or the arrest of those involved animal fights, the informant will receive a reward of up to US $1,500 from HSI/Latin America.

United States

In the United States, The HSUS offers a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in dogfighting. If you have information about illegal animal fighting in your area, you can call HSUS’s animal fighting tip line at 877-TIP-HSUS and your information will be kept confidential. Learn more.

Note: The HSUS also offers a reward for information about cockfighting, and about U.S. puppy mills (for the latter, call 1-877-MILL-TIP).

If you live in the United States, here are more ways to help.

Report it

If you have information about a potentially illegal dogfighting operation, here are the steps to take:

1. Call your local police department or animal control agency. Give them as many details as you can about the suspected animal fighting operation. You do not need to give your name to law enforcement to report your information. You can also call our tip lines.

Note: In order to qualify for the rewards program, this must be an open case. Additionally, law enforcement officers (including ACOs and humane officers) are not eligible for our rewards program.

2. Get a letter from law enforcement. If the suspected animal fighter is convicted, ask the law enforcement agency involved in the case to write a letter to HSI/The HSUS. The letter should state that your tip helped lead to the arrest and prosecution. The letter should be mailed, faxed, or emailed to:

Animal Fighting Reward Program
c/o Adam Parascandola
The Humane Society of the United States
1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037
Fax: 301-721-6414

3. Call us for more information. If you have questions about the reward program, please call us at 202-452-1100.

Spread the word

Order our animal fighting reward posters and display them prominently throughout your community or wherever you suspect illegal animal fighting occurs. To order posters in English (United States tip line), email For Spanish (Costa Rica tip line), email You can also download PDFs of our U.S./English and C.R./Spanish posters.