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Press Releases
As UK debates hunting trophy import and export ban, undercover investigation at the Safari Club International convention reveals sale of illegal wildlife products, captive-bred lion hunts and products made from giraffes, elephants, stingrays, kangaroos an

LONDON — As the UK government considers introducing a ban on hunting trophy imports and exports, an undercover investigation by Humane Society International and the Humane Society of the United States

As UK debates hunting trophy import ban, Safari Club International’s annual convention promotes the senseless killing of wild animals for fun

LONDON — Thousands of trophy hunters from around the world will gather next week in Nevada, USA, for the world’s largest trophy hunt convention, held by Safari Club International, at which trophy

TOWIE’s Pete Wicks wells up with emotion as he goes undercover with HSI/UK at Finnish fur farms to expose cruelty

LONDON– A new undercover investigation by TV’s Pete Wicks and animal charity Humane Society International/UK reveals deplorable conditions and distressing animal suffering on fur farms in Finland, a

Five ways to be an animal defender this World Animal Day

LONDON–Around the world, billions of animals suffer for our food, fashion, beauty and entertainment. Many of them lead deprived, miserable lives confined in unnatural conditions or are subjected to

From South Korea to the UK

Rescuing dogs and cats from the dog meat trade is a small but important part of our work to end this cruelty. In China, through our amazing partner groups, we’ve helped rescue thousands of dogs and

VIDEO: TV dog experts Marc Abraham and Victoria Stilwell help charity rescue 90+ dogs from South Korean dog meat farm, seven pups to seek UK homes

London–Humane Society International’s rescue team is on the ground in South Korea to save more than 90 dogs and puppies from the horrors of a dog meat farm, with seven lucky pups destined to fly to

Celebrities, MPs, NGOs and No 10’s Larry the cat unite urging Boris Johnson to come good on his animal welfare pledge

LONDON—Celebrities, MPs, animal protection organisations and Number 10’s Larry the Cat have joined forces to call on the Prime Minister to prioritise legislation that recognises animals as sentient

UK animal experiment statistics indicate reluctance to embrace modern tools to advance British labs into the 21st century

LONDON—Home Office statistics published today[1] reveal a shockingly high number of dogs, mice, cats, rabbits and other animals are still suffering in invasive, painful and sometimes lethal