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Press Releases
BREAKING: France announces ban on mink fur farming one month after shocking cruelty investigation

LONDON—French minister Barbara Pompili has announced the end of mink fur farming in France. The country’s last four remaining fur farms will have to close no later than 2025, although campaigners at

Farmed animal welfare Largest-ever study on welfare of chickens raised for meat confirms terrible suffering for billions of ‘rapid growth’ birds

LONDON—The largest study ever conducted on the welfare of chickens raised for meat confirms that fast-growing breeds, which make up the majority of chickens raised for commercial meat production

Finland fur farm
Former British Fur Trade Association CEO says fur is cruel and its sale should be banned, backs #FurFreeBritain campaign

LONDON—Mike Moser, who resigned as CEO of the British Fur Trade Association in 2018 after a decade of defending the fur industry, has come out in support of a UK ban on fur sales because he no longer

Home Office statistics reveal no meaningful decline in UK animal experiments in a decade despite government pledge

LONDON—Home Office statistics published today reveal that the number of animals suffering in invasive, painful and often lethal experiments in British laboratories has stayed broadly the same almost a

YouGov poll reveals vast majority (93%) of Brits don’t wear real animal fur and do support a #FurFreeBritain; Government urged to end UK fur sales

LONDON—British citizens overwhelmingly agree that the time has come for Britain to be fur-free. A new YouGov opinion poll, commissioned by animal charity Humane Society International/UK, reveals that

VIDEO: indagine scioccante in undici allevamenti asiatici rivela volpi bastonate e scuoiate vive, la cui pelliccia potrebbe essere venduta anche in Italia

ROMA—I video inquietanti rilasciati da Humane Society International Italia mostrano la scioccante realtà di migliaia di volpi e cani procione che vivono in condizioni miserabili e soffrono morti

VIDEO: Shocking investigation shows foxes beaten and skinned alive on Asia fur farm, for fur that could be sold in UK shops

LONDON—Disturbing video footage released by Humane Society International/UK reveals shocking suffering of thousands of foxes and raccoon dogs enduring miserable lives and painful, protracted deaths on