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Press Releases
VIDEO: TV dog experts Marc Abraham and Victoria Stilwell help charity rescue 90+ dogs from South Korean dog meat farm, seven pups to seek UK homes

London–Humane Society International’s rescue team is on the ground in South Korea to save more than 90 dogs and puppies from the horrors of a dog meat farm, with seven lucky pups destined to fly to

Celebrities, MPs, NGOs and No 10’s Larry the cat unite urging Boris Johnson to come good on his animal welfare pledge

LONDON—Celebrities, MPs, animal protection organisations and Number 10’s Larry the Cat have joined forces to call on the Prime Minister to prioritise legislation that recognises animals as sentient

UK animal experiment statistics indicate reluctance to embrace modern tools to advance British labs into the 21st century

LONDON—Home Office statistics published today[1] reveal a shockingly high number of dogs, mice, cats, rabbits and other animals are still suffering in invasive, painful and sometimes lethal

Ending the dog and cat meat trade Dogs saved from China’s Yulin dog meat festival join MP, campaigners to deliver 1.5 million-signature petition to end to the cruel trade

LONDON – Dame Judi Dench and violinist Vanessa-Mae have sent heart-felt messages of support and solidarity for a 1.5 million-signature petition by Care2 and Humane Society International, delivered

Ending the dog and cat meat trade As China’s Yulin dog meat festival approaches, UK charity’s rescue pups from Yulin’s past show happy endings are possible

LONDON — As the Yulin dog meat festival in China’s Guangxi Autonomous Region fast approaches later this month, UK charity Humane Society International/UK shares happy ending stories of some of the

Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation takes protest to Chinese Embassy to stop inhumane export of wild baby elephants for captivity

Oscar Nkala LONDON—The Zimbabwe Elephant Foundation will be joined on Friday 24th May by international NGOs, as well as actor and conservationist Dan Richardson, in a silent protest outside the

Animals in research Avon joins Humane Society International's #BeCrueltyFree campaign calling for a worldwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics

LONDON—Avon Products, Inc. (NYSE: AVP), today announces its support for a worldwide ban on animal testing for cosmetics by backing Humane Society International on its #BeCrueltyFree initiative. The

Fake faux fur scandal: Mislabelling of fur clothing and accessories in the UK

Through extensive research, HSI UK has discovered that many animal fur items for sale in the UK, especially in independent boutiques, in markets and online, are either not labelled at all, or are

Proposal to ‘protect’ long-extinct woolly mammoth at upcoming CITES conference is latest bid to save elephants from global ivory trade

WASHINGTON—A proposal to give protection status to the woolly mammoth, a species that has been extinct for 10,000 years, is the latest attempt by conservation-minded countries to stop its genetic