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Farmed animal welfare
Here’s why pork is the new veal

Starting in the 1980s, people all over the world began to feel disgusted by veal, when the treatment of baby cows was exposed...

Wildlife protection
Life or death for wolves hinges on state management plans

Next month marks the one-year anniversary of the return of federal Endangered Species Act protections to wolves in most of...

Wildlife protection
Europe’s largest hunting fair opens, despite dangers faced by wildlife worldwide

Despite ecological devastation, habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, poaching and all the other threats that undermine the...

Rescued breeder dog lived a full, loving life after she was saved

Fighting the big fights for animals means that we are constantly working at an enormous scale to change thousands and...

As harsh winter arrives and nearby war continues, here’s how we’re helping homeless animals in Romania

Humane Society International is partnering with local animal organizations to provide veterinary services to the most...

Animals in research Farmed animal welfare Wildlife protection
You can help pass state laws to create a more humane world

State legislatures are again in session, and we’re busy in our push for the passage of animal protection laws across the...

The cause of animals is a cause for us all

The cause of animals is a call to action. A call to provide the best possible care for animals, whether they live in our...

At our care and rehabilitation facility, recovering dogs have their day

Our work at the Humane Society family of organizations impacts millions of animals, through public education and media...

Animals in research
Judge rules that NIH’s refusal to move chimps from a New Mexico laboratory to Chimp Haven sanctuary violates federal law

There is renewed hope for thirty chimpanzees languishing in a New Mexico laboratory as part of our long-standing fight to...