Found 1235 results for Issues
Animal cruelty could be warning behavior for future terrorist acts, new report says
The link between crimes involving cruelty to animals and human violence has been well documented and long recognized by the nation’s top law enforcement groups, including the FBI and the National Sheriffs’ Association. Now, a new report warns that animal abuse crimes could signal warning behavior
Illinois stands up for African elephants and rhinos
African elephants and rhinos are under the gun; literally. More than 30,000 elephants and 1,000 rhinos are slaughtered by poachers every year for their tusks and horns, respectively. The reason for this war on some of Africa’s most iconic and beloved wildlife is that people are buying ivory trinkets
New ad makes a powerful plea to end rhino horn use in Vietnam
Vietnam is one of the world’s largest consumers of rhino horn for use in traditional medicine. The demand there has helped push this distinctive animal to the brink of extinction. The animals are killed for their horns and a small number remain alive and suffer in agony after the horns are hacked
It’s National Voter Registration Day: Here’s why your vote matters for animals
Our mission is to end suffering for all animals, and this so often centers around boosting the public policy work of the humane movement. That’s why we encourage supporters to advocate for animal protection legislation and related proposals by contacting their elected officials and becoming more
The Humane Legislator of the Year Award goes to Rep. Paul Tonko
While 2020 was no ordinary year, each and every one of us associated with the Humane Society family of organizations did our best to make it an extraordinary one for animals. Here in the U.S., our colleagues at the Humane Society Legislative Fund finished strong by landing a host of animal
Factory farms are baking pigs alive during the pandemic. Veterinarians call for changing guidance on this barbaric killing method
As a result of slaughterhouse closures during the pandemic, some producers have used a cruel method called “ventilation shutdown,” or VSD, to kill whole herds of pigs. Ventilator shutdown involves locking a flock or herd of animals in a building and turning off the ventilation systems. As the
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. House passes the PACT Act, cracking down on extreme animal cruelty
By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson The U.S. House has just voted overwhelmingly to crack down on some of the worst and most malicious acts of animal cruelty, including crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating and impaling live animals and sexually exploiting them. The watershed vote takes us one step
Breaking news: House votes to remove Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves
In a shameless move that puts at risk one of America’s most valued and iconic native carnivores, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to strip Endangered Species Act protections from gray wolves in the continental United States. The bill, which passed today by a vote of 196 to 180, still
Breaking news: Farm Bill clears Congress; House votes to protect pets from domestic violence, outlaw dog meat and prevent animal fighting in U.S. territories
The U.S. House has just passed the Farm Bill, and we’re celebrating great wins for animals. Most importantly, the bill does not contain the reckless King amendment, which could have nullified state and local laws that address, among other issues, prohibiting horse slaughter for food, the extreme
As crucial Florida greyhound vote looms, Ellen DeGeneres, Pierce Brosnan and Owen Wilson support Amendment 13
Greyhound racing is a bleak and sordid enterprise for the animals. The dogs are confined 20-23 hours a day in stacked, warehouse-style metal cages barely large enough for them to turn around in, and death rates on the tracks are high. In Florida alone, one dog, on an average, dies every three days
Animal Care Expo takes place online this year; Event to feature more than 30 sessions
Animal Care Expo, our marquee training and exhibition event for animal welfare professionals, has moved online this year because of the coronavirus crisis. From the comfort and safety of their homes, participants can enjoy an interactive virtual conference experience during a three-day event packed
Victory! Federal appeals court agrees Yellowstone grizzly bears should remain protected from trophy hunters
A federal appeals court has agreed that Yellowstone grizzly bears should continue to receive protection under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, ensuring that these iconic American carnivores will not be hunted for trophies. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a unanimous opinion today upholding
Breaking news: U.S. says giraffes may qualify for Endangered Species Act listing
Giraffes, whose populations in the wild have plummeted by 40 percent over the last three decades, may qualify for protection under the Endangered Species Act, according to a finding announced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today. The agency’s announcement comes in response to a legal petition
European Parliament Votes to End EU Subsidies for Bullfighting Activities
Members of the European Parliament have voted in favour of ending EU subsidies to farmers who specifically breed bulls for bullfights. Joanna Swabe, Ph.D., Humane Society International/Europe’s executive director, issued the following statement: “Bullfighting is a cruel practice that inflicts a
Working to end the cruel and dangerous dog meat trade in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the province of East Nusa Tenggara consists of more than 500 islands known for their pink-sand beaches and Komodo dragons. It is, sadly, also home to a rampant trade in dogs for meat and high levels of dog meat consumption, which have contributed to regular occurrences of rabies on the
Free Trade Agreements and the European Union
The European Union is often regarded as a world leader in animal protection issues, and is also one of the largest players in global trade in the world. The EU incorporates provisions on animal welfare, sustainable development, and environmental protection into its trade agreements. HSI sees this
Trophy hunting is back on the Italian political agenda
BRUSSELS —The issue of trophy hunting is back on the Italian political agenda with the new presentation by Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla of a bill aimed at banning the import, export and re-export, to and from Italy, of hunting trophies obtained from animals who are protected by CITES (the
Virtual lion joins African elephants and black rhinos in urging the EU Commission to restrict imports of trophies from species at risk of extinction
BRUSSELS—Today, on International Endangered Species Day, Humane Society International/Europe is launching a new image under its #NotInMyWorld campaign featuring the image of an African lion trophy who has been packaged for shipping. The #NotInMyWorld campaign aims to raise awareness about the
‘Huge Victory’ for wildlife celebrated by animal protection, environmental groups as health Canada announces strychnine poisoning ban
OTTAWA, Ontario—Wolf Awareness, WeHowl, Animal Justice, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Humane Society International/Canada and Animal Alliance of Canada are applauding a decision by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency to cease the use of the poison strychnine for killing
Almost 200 MPs now support a Fur Free Britain amid pandemic risk concerns
LONDON —More than 50 cross-party MPs and Peers attended a Parliamentary event calling for an end to fur imports and sales in Great Britain this week, meaning almost 200 MPs now support the Fur Free Britain campaign . Leading animal protection organisations Humane Society International/UK and FOUR