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Press Releases
BREAKING: South African Predator Association seeks to reinstate irresponsible lion bone export quota through High Court

CAPE TOWN—The South African Predator Association (SAPA) together, with 10 individual lion farmers and ‘canned’ hunting operators, filed a court application seeking to renew a controversial lion bone

South Africa lion lying down
Animal charity Humane Society International Africa to become "Humane World for Animals” to better encompass mission

CAPE TOWN ( 14 Feb. 2025) ―Animal charity Humane Society International Africa today announced its rebrand to Humane World for Animals to establish clarity in its mission to create lasting change for

Animal Law Project unveils "a Manifesto for Transforming Animal Protection in South Africa: a Constitutional Imperative"

CAPE TOWN, South Africa—The Animal Law Project (ALP) proudly announces the release of its groundbreaking manifesto, "A Manifesto for Transforming Animal Protection in South Africa: A Constitutional

Farmed animal welfare Avian flu crisis is a call to rethink our food system

CAPE TOWN, South Africa—Amidst the headlines detailing the severe outbreak of avian flu in South Africa, the culling of approximately 7.5 million infected chickens this year, and the resulting

Farmed animal welfare Consumers can improve farm animal welfare standards on World Farm Animals Day

CAPE TOWN, South Africa— Sunday, 22 Oct. 2022 is World Farm Animals Day, an opportunity for members of the public to recognize the suffering and climate impacts of the approximately 88 billion land

Two male lions named Netsai and Humba in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe.
New IPSOS survey reveals the majority (68%) of South Africans oppose trophy hunting

CAPE TOWN, South Africa—South African citizens have spoken out against the cruel practice of hunting wild animals for trophies. A new 2022 IPSOS survey, commissioned by animal protection charity

South African government increases trophy hunting quotas, sacrificing vulnerable leopard, endangered elephant and critically endangered black rhino “as conservation tool(s)”

Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA—The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment announced this weekend that South Africa will allow the hunting of 10 vulnerable leopard, 150 endangered elephant and

Wildlife experts remind public to avoid interaction with African clawless otters around the Western Cape

CAPE TOWN, South Africa—In light of increasing sightings of African clawless otters around the Western Cape’s public shores and water masses, wildlife experts from animal protection organisations are

RPA zakazuje hodowli lwów na trofea

Kontrowersyjna hodowla lwów na lwich farmach w Republice Południowej Afryki jest bliska końca. Południowoafrykańskie władze chcą wprowadzić prawo, które ureguluje hodowanie w niewoli dzikich zwierząt