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When making travel decisions, choose what is safest and most comfortable for your pet. For instance, unless you'll be able to spend a lot of time with your dog, they'll probably be happier at home than tagging along on your trip. As a rule, cats are almost always better off in their own home. But if you've decided it's best to bring your pet along, follow our tips for a safe and low-stress trip!


By car

Do you know the best place for your dog or cat in your car?

Dogs shouldn't roam in the car

The safest way for your dog to travel in the car is in a crate that has been anchored to the vehicle using a seat belt or other secure means. Being confined in a carrier will also protect your dog from escaping from the vehicle if they're startled, scared, or just curious when the car door or window is opened. Dog restraints or seat belts are useful for preventing your dog from roaming around the car and being a distraction to the driver, but they haven't been reliably shown to protect dogs during a crash.

Cats belong in carriers

Most cats aren't comfortable traveling in cars, so for their safety as well as yours, keep them in a carrier. Being confined in a carrier will also protect your cat from escaping from the vehicle if they're startled, scared, or just curious when the car door or window is opened. It's important to restrain these carriers in the car so that they don't bounce around and hurt your cat. Do this by securing a seat belt around the front of the carrier.

Leave the front seat for humans

Keep your pet in the back seat of the car. If an airbag deploys while your pet is in the passenger seat (even in a crate), it might injure your pet.

Keep those heads inside

Dogs and cats should always be kept safely inside the car. Pets who are allowed to stick their heads out the window of moving vehicles can be injured by particles of debris or made sick by having cold air forced into their lungs. Never transport a pet in the back of an open pickup truck.

Give your pet plenty of rest stops and stretch breaks

Stop frequently to allow your pet to exercise and eliminate, and be sure your pet has a leash that is clipped to a collar or harness they can’t wiggle out of. For dogs, martingale collars help prevent them from escaping, and for cats, fit them with a harness. Be sure your pet is wearing a collar with an ID tag attached that has your current contact information.  

Bring along a human buddy

Whenever possible, share the driving and pet caretaking duties with a friend or family member. You'll be able to get food or use the facilities at rest stops knowing that someone you trust is keeping a close eye on your pets.

Don't ever leave your pet alone in a car

A quick pit stop may feel like no time at all to you, but it's too long to leave your pet alone in a car. Heat is a serious hazard: when it's 72 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the temperature inside your car can heat up to 116 degrees within an hour. On an 85-degree day, even with the windows slightly open, the temperature inside your car can reach 102 degrees in just 10 minutes. Even if you’re certain of your timing, you can get held up—in just 30 minutes, you could return to a 120-degree car and a pet suffering irreversible organ damage or death.

If you see a pet left inside a hot car, take these steps to help them. Spread the word about the dangers of leaving pets in a hot car by printing our hot car flyer [PDF], posting it in public places, and sharing it with your friends, family and coworkers.

Another hazard of leaving your pet alone in the car is the possibility of someone stealing your pet while you're away from the vehicle.

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Meredith Lee/Humane World for Animals

What should I do to prepare for a storm?

Make a disaster plan for your pets (large and small) now: Prepare a disaster kit, find a safe place to evacuate with your pets and shelter in place. Remember, if it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pets. 

By airplane

Before booking a flight for your pet, you’ll want to think through all your options.

Air travel can be risky for pets

We recommend that you weigh all the risks when deciding whether to transport your pet by airplane. Air travel can be particularly dangerous for animals with "pushed in" faces (the medical term is "brachycephalic"), such as bulldogs, pugs and Persian cats. Their short nasal passages leave them especially vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke.

Consider all the alternatives to flying

If you plan to bring your pet on vacation, driving is usually a better option. If you can't travel by car, your pet will probably be healthier and happier if you leave them behind under the care of a pet sitter or boarding kennel. But there are times when that won’t be possible and you’ll have to determine whether the benefits of flying outweigh the risks.

Visit your vet

Most airlines require a health certificate for animals, typically issued within 10 days of travel. This is also a good time to ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date and that they aren’t battling any illnesses that could be exacerbated by heat or stress. Make sure to travel with documents indicating your pet’s license and microchip numbers, your veterinarian’s name and clinic phone number, pet’s proof of vaccination—especially rabies vaccine—and a list of all their medications, doses and prescription information in case refills are needed during travel. Keep a current photo of your pet with you in case they become lost during travel.

Research your destination

If you’re flying internationally, or even to Hawai'i, your pets may need to be quarantined upon arrival. They may also require import forms. Allow significant lead time before travel to familiarize yourself with the requirements, where they’ll be quarantined and for how long.

If you decide to fly with your pet, choose the cabin when possible

If transporting your pet by air is the only option, find out whether they can travel in the cabin with you. Most airlines will allow you to take a cat or small dog in the cabin for an additional fee. But you must call the airline well in advance; there are limits to the number of animals allowed in the cabin. If you're transporting your dog, make sure they meet the size requirements. If you get overwhelmed by all the regulations, there are companies that can help you navigate through the process of flying with a pet.

Ask these questions if your pet is flying in the cabin

When you contact the airline, be sure to get clear answers to these questions:

  • Will the airline allow you to take your cat or small dog in the cabin with you?
  • Does the airline have any special pet health and immunization requirements?
  • Does the airline require a specific type of carrier? Most airlines will accept either hard-sided carriers or soft-sided carriers (which may be more comfortable for your pet), but only certain brands of soft-sided carriers are acceptable to certain airlines.
  • If you can't take your pet in the cabin, does the airline have any restrictions on transporting your pet in the cargo hold?

Take precautions when bringing your pet through airport security

Your pet's carrier will have to pass through the security screening along with you. You have two options: Either be sure your pet is securely harnessed so you can safely contain them outside their carrier while the carrier is being X-rayed, or request a special secondary screening that won't require you to take them out of their carrier.

Be aware of the dangers of flying your pet in a cargo hold

While most animals flown in the cargo area of airplanes are fine, you should be aware that some animals are killed, injured or lost on commercial flights each year. Excessively hot or cold temperatures, poor ventilation and improper handling are often to blame.

Most U.S. airlines are required to report all companion animal incidents that occur in the cargo hold, and you may want to review the performance record of an airline before choosing to fly your pet in their cargo hold. Keep in mind though that one incident can't reflect on an entire airline. Also, many mistakes are caused by human error rather than policy faults.

Follow these tips if your pet must fly in the cargo hold

If your pet must travel in the cargo hold, you can increase the chances of a safe flight for your pet by following these tips.

  • Use direct flights. You will avoid the mistakes that occur during airline transfers and possible delays in getting your pet off the plane.
  • Travel on the same flight as your pet when possible. Ask the airline if you can watch your pet being loaded into the cargo hold and unloaded.
  • When you board the plane, notify the captain and at least one flight attendant that your pet is traveling in the cargo hold. If the captain knows that pets are on board, they may take special precautions.
  • NEVER fly brachycephalic (flat-faced) animals such as Pekingese dogs, bulldogs or Persian cats in the cargo holds.
  • If traveling during the summer or winter months, choose flights that will accommodate the temperature extremes. Early morning or late evening flights are better in the summer; afternoon flights are better in the winter.
  • Fit your pet with a collar that can't get caught in carrier doors. Affix two pieces of identification on the collar: a permanent ID with your name and home address and telephone number, and a temporary travel ID with the address and telephone number where you or a contact person can be reached. Make sure your pet’s microchip information is current.
  • Affix a travel label to the carrier on which you've written your name, permanent address and telephone number, final destination, and where you or a contact person can be reached as soon as the flight arrives.
  • Make sure that your pet's nails have been clipped to protect against them getting hooked in the carrier's door, holes and other crevices.
  • Give your pet at least a month before your flight to become familiar with the travel carrier. This will minimize their stress during travel. Try leaving the carrier in a clearly visible location in your home with the door open and a comfortable blanket inside. Consider feeding your pet meals in the carrier. These positive associations will raise your pet’s comfort level with the carrier.
  • Do not give your pet tranquilizers unless they're prescribed by your veterinarian. Make sure your vet understands that the prescription is for air travel. Ideally, you don't want to administer a tranquilizer to your pet for the first time on the day of travel, so try the tranquilizer some time ahead of travel to observe its effectiveness and to make sure your pet doesn't have a paradoxical or other negative reaction to it.
  • Consult with your veterinarian about whether you should withhold food and, if so, how far ahead of the flight. Your pet’s age and medical condition, as well as the length of the flight, will determine how much if any food you provide during the hours prior to the flight. However, you can give them small amounts of water. If possible, put ice cubes in the water tray attached to the inside of your pet's crate or kennel. (A full water bowl will only spill and cause discomfort.)
  • Try not to fly with your pet during busy travel times such as holidays and the summer. Your pet is more likely to undergo rough handling during hectic travel periods.
  • Carry a current photograph of your pet. If your pet is lost during the trip, a photograph will make it much easier for airline employees to search effectively.
  • When you arrive at your destination, open the carrier as soon as you're in a safe place and examine your pet. If anything seems wrong, take your pet to a veterinarian immediately. Get the results of the examination in writing, including the date and time.

Speak up if you see something

If you witness the mishandling of an animal—either yours or someone else's—don’t hesitate to report it. Ask to speak with a manager where the incident occurred and report mishandling both in person and in writing.

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By ship

With the exception of assistance dogs, pets are welcome on only a few cruise lines—and usually on ocean crossings only. Some lines permit pets in private cabins, but most confine pets to kennels. Contact the cruise line in advance to find out its policies and which of its ships have kennel facilities. If you must use the ship's kennel, make sure it is protected from the elements and check on your pet frequently.

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By train

Amtrak now allows some pets on select trains (generally with some weight limits) and service animals are allowed on all lines. Some smaller U.S. railroad companies may permit animals on board. Many trains in European countries allow pets. Generally, it's the passengers' responsibility to feed and exercise their pets at station stops.

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Before traveling internationally, whether by car, plane, train or ship, please consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to make sure you and your pet have all required paperwork and reservations needed to return to the U.S.

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