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Experience Great Bear Rainforest

During this first-class journey, you will not only experience one of nature’s most iconic spectacles—grizzly bears in their natural habitat—but you will also be immersed in this stunning landscape of the Great Bear Rainforest by air, land and sea.

The exterior wall of a wooden cabin

Four-night stay at the beautiful Firvale Wilderness Camp in an A-frame cabin or luxury dome.

Great Bear Rainforest

Relaxing float down the Bella Coola River to view the salmon migration and grizzly bears.

The back of a person wearing a black shirt looking off at a large body of water and snow-peaked mountain range.

Sailing trip to remote hot springs with chances to spot whales, dolphins and bears.

Trip overview

Journey with us to British Columbia, where you will hear firsthand how Humane World for Animals, formerly called Humane Society International, is working around the world to protect keystone species such as grizzly bears. During this first-class journey, you will not only experience one of nature’s most iconic spectacles—grizzly bears in their natural habitat—but you will also be immersed in this stunning landscape of the Great Bear Rainforest by air, land and sea. 

This five-night stay is truly the best way to experience all this amazing wilderness has to offer. Two en suite A-frame cabins, one standard en suite cabin, two en suite domes and an additional non-en-suite dome with private facilities are all available on a double-occupancy and single occupancy basis.

Journey to Great Bear Rainforest: Experience one of nature’s most iconic spectacles—grizzly bears in their natural habitat—and be immersed in this stunning landscape of the Great Bear Rainforest by air, land and sea.

Sample activities

This list of sample activities is for informational purposes only. Additional scheduling details will be provided to all registered guests in advance of each trip.

Humane Journeys trip into the Great Bear Rainforest

Michael Bernard/Humane Society International / Canada

Witness wildlife in action

Grizzly bear spotting from forest viewing platform.

Great Bear Rainforest

Victoria Grupp/The Humane Society of the United States

Explore Great Bear Rainforest by air

Scenic helicopter flight over massive glaciers, landing for a short walk and opportunity to feel the glacial melt or icebergs for yourself.

Great Bear Rainforest

Michael Bernard/Humane Society International / Canada

Take a trip along the coast

Boat trip along a dramatic coast where temperate rainforests of old growth cedars plunge down to the glacial fed inlets. Complete the trip with a stop to soak in a remote hot spring.

Great Bear Rainfores

Michael Bernard/Humane Society International / Canada

Soak in the sights

Exploring the camp and hiking trails or relaxing in the sauna or hot tub.

A multi-colored bar showing the difficulty of the trip

Michael Bernard/HSI/Canada

Reserve your spot

Space is limited to 12 people and will fill up quickly. Accommodations are chosen on a first come, first served basis. Two en suite A-frame cabins, one standard en suite cabin and two en suite domes are available at $12,500 on double-occupancy basis (single occupancy available at $8,500). An additional non-en-suite dome with private facilities is available at $10,000 on double-occupancy basis (single occupancy available at $7,500). Proceeds will benefit our work in Canada. Your contribution less $3,500 per person is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Humane World for Animals, formerly called Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, tax ID number is 53-0225390. Airfare to and from Vancouver, gratuities and alcohol are not included. All ground transportation, flights to and from Bella Coola, plant-based meals and sleeping accommodations are included.

Humane Journeys

Humane Journeys offers authentic, cause-driven travel to unique destinations around the world. Each small group trip is guided by experts and designed to provide a tailored, immersive experience into our efforts to protect all animals. 

Program background

British Columbia is home to some of the most iconic wildlife species and beautiful landscapes in Canada, but tragically many of these same species are under attack from trophy hunters and habitat destruction. But we're pushing back. 

Wide shot of a grizzly bear walking on a riverbank with lush trees and rays of sunlight behind.

Victoria Grupp/The HSUS

Through our work protecting wildlife in BC, Humane World for Animals Canada, formerly called Humane Society International Canada, helped to secure a complete ban on hunting grizzly bears in 2017. Humane World Canada is now working with animal protection and conservation groups, scientists and First Nations to end trophy hunting of BC’s most beloved species, including cougars, black bears and wolves.

Thousands of wild mammals are slain by trophy hunters in BC each year. Trophy hunters prefer to kill the largest, strongest animals, whose loss causes population declines in big cats and bears, among other species. Humane World Canada works to raise public awareness and end political support of trophy hunters’ interests, as well as improve legal protections and encourage alternatives, such as ecotourism. In fact, compared to trophy hunting, wildlife-watching tourism generates far more income to support conservation and provides far more jobs to local people. Our work in BC, and across Canada, is focused on encouraging peaceful coexistence between humans and wild animals and ensuring the protection of wild species.

Responsible wildlife watching

Humane Journeys maintains a responsible and respectful animal-watching program. You will always be accompanied by experts who take the necessary precautions to help ensure your safety and that our presence does not disturb the animals.

Ready for the trip of a lifetime?

Humane Journeys offer the opportunity to travel to unique destinations throughout the world and support our cause.

Kent Gilbert/AP Images for Humane World for Animals