Found 3911 results
Calls for global ban on dangerous trade in wild animals for food
WASHINGTON —Wildlife campaigners across the globe from animal charity Humane Society International have called for an urgent worldwide ban on the wildlife trade after China’s announcement that it will prohibit the buying and selling of wild animals for food in light of the mounting threat associated
China’s Ministry of Agriculture states that dogs are pets and not livestock, in what campaigners hope could inspire cities to end brutal dog meat trade
BEIJING—China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has for the first time ever explicitly stated that dogs are companion animals and not “livestock,” in what could potentially be a game-changer moment for Chinese regional governments to follow the lead of Shenzhen city and ban the eating of
BREAKING: A second city in mainland China just banned eating of dogs, cats and wildlife in hoped for “domino effect”
BEIJING—The city of Zhuhai in Guangdong province has become the second city in mainland China to ban the consumption of dog and cat meat, and of wildlife, in what campaigners at animal charity Humane Society International hope will be the start of a domino effect of progressive legislation across
Supreme Court maintains Amazonas ban on cosmetic testing on animals following industry challenge
BRASILIA—The Brazilian Supreme Court decided today that the State of Amazonas was within its rights to promulgate Law 289/2015 banning cosmetic tests on animals in its territory. The law, passed in 2015 by the State Assembly of Amazonas to end these cruel and unnecessary tests, was challenged by the
Supremo Tribunal Federal mantém proibição de testes de cosméticos em animais no estado do Amazonas após ação da indústria
BRASÍLIA (15 de abril de 2020)—O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) decidiu hoje que o estado do Amazonas tem o direito de promulgar a Lei 289/2015, que proíbe testes cosméticos em animais em seu território. A lei, aprovada em 2015 pela Assembleia Estadual do Amazonas para eliminar esses testes cruéis e
BREAKING: Canada Goose will no longer use new fur in products from 2022
WASHINGTON—Canada Goose has announced in a new report that from 2022 it will no longer buy fur from trappers and instead will use reclaimed fur in its products. Animal protection organisation Humane Society International welcomes the announcement as ‘another nail in the coffin for the fur trade’ but
Humane Society International calls for increased government support for researchers and institutions working to advance science without animal suffering
SEOUL—On this World Day for Animals in Laboratories, following chilling evidence of the suffering of cats in Korean laboratories, Humane Society International and the Korean Society for Alternative to Animal Experiments wish to acknowledge the pioneering scientists and institutions working to
휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널과 한국동물실험대체법학회, 24일 세계 실험동물의 날 맞아 동물실험 대체 연구개발에 힘쓰는 국내 연구진들에게 박수를
4월 24일 세계 실험동물의 날을 맞아 휴메인 소사이어티 인터내셔널(Humane Society International, HSI)과 한국동물실험대체법학회는 동물실험의 대안을 개발하고 연구하는 과학계 관계자들에게 응원의 메시지를 보내며 동물을 사용하지 않는 혁신적인 과학연구에 더 적극적인 지원이 있어야 한다고 전한다. 국내에는 더 나은 치료법, 더 빠른 신약 개발을 위해 동물실험이 아닌 대체 기술을 이용하고자 하는 연구자들이 있다. 서울에 위치한 기업인 넥셀은 최근 국제학술지 ‘Cells’에 희기유전질환으로 알려진 윌슨병 모델 제작에
Humane Society International and Mars, Incorporated join forces to care for dogs and cats around the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
Update, March 2022: Read a report about the global impact of the HSI-Mars partnership on animals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. WASHINGTON— Family-owned Mars, Incorporated has donated $1 million to animal welfare organization Humane Society International for its global companion animal programs
HSI's engagement with policies and treaties
Humane Society International engages with international agreements that either directly or indirectly affect animals on a large, global scale. The adoption or rejection of one international measure can affect thousands or even millions of animals. We actively lobby for stronger protections and
HSI/Canada and Friends of HSI roll out ‘COVID-19 Animal Response Program’ in Montreal with support from PetSmart Charities® of Canada
MONTREAL—As COVID-19 continues to severely impact peoples’ lives, Humane Society International/Canada and Friends of HSI have launched the COVID-19 Animal Response Program in Quebec in collaboration with the City of Montreal, with the generous support of PetSmart Charities of Canada. The program
HSI/Canada et Les amis de HSI lancent le Programme d’intervention pour les animaux en réponse à la COVID-19 à Montréal, avec le soutien de PetSmart Charities® of Canada
MONTRÉAL— Alors que la pandémie de la COVID-19 continue d’avoir un impact considérable sur la vie de la population, Humane Society International/Canada et Les amis de HSI ont lancé le Programme d’intervention pour les animaux en réponse à la COVID-19 au Québec en collaboration avec la Ville de
South Korean dog meat farmer quits the trade to grow vegetables with help from Humane Society International’s pioneering approach
SEOUL—More than 70 dogs found languishing on a South Korean dog meat farm by animal charity Humane Society International have been given a second chance by the farmer’s decision to quit the dog meat industry once and for all. Mr. Nakseon Kim has been breeding dogs for nearly 40 years, but he jumped
If it fails to support an end to wildlife markets, the World Health Organization would fail to protect human health
WASHINGTON (May 8, 2020)—The Associated Press is reporting that a scientist from the World Health Organization does not support closing live animal markets, such as the one in Wuhan, China, linked to COVID-19. The remarks were reportedly made by WHO food safety and animal diseases expert Peter Ben
UK tabloid story gets it wrong about South Africa and COVID-19
South Africa—Following publication of an online story in the UK’s Daily Express newspaper, published (11 May 2020), Humane Society International-Africa has released the following statement of clarification regarding the misleading nature of its headline and various quotes attributed to Audrey
VIDEO: Campaigners unite to urge governments across Asia to shut down dog & cat meat trades as ‘perfect breeding ground’ for next public health disaster
WASHINGTON—Animal protection groups from around the world have joined forces to urge governments across Asia to act urgently to permanently shut down unsanitary and brutal dog and cat meat markets and trades, amid growing global concern about zoonotic diseases and public health danger zones. Member
Over 70 dogs saved from slaughter as Humane Society International shuts down 16th South Korean dog meat farm
MONTREAL –More than 70 dogs found suffering by HSI on a hybrid dog meat farm and puppy mill in South Korea have been rescued and relocated to a temporary boarding facility in South Korea. Once safely off the farm, the dogs will immediately receive a full veterinary check-up and settle into their
Humane Society International procède à la fermeture de la 16e ferme de viande canine de Corée du Sud, permettant à plus de 70 chiens d’échapper à l’abattoir
MONTRÉAL—HSI a découvert plus de 70 chiens en souffrance en Corée du Sud dans un établissement hybride qui était à la fois une ferme de viande canine et une usine à chiot. Ils ont été sauvés et accueillis temporairement dans une pension pour chiens en Corée du Sud. Une fois en sécurité, les chiens
Nella Giornata Mondiale della Salute appello ai governi di tutto il mondo per intervenire sulle criticità del coronavirus e vietare il commercio di specie selvatiche per ridurre il rischio di future pandemie
ROMA/WASHINGTON–I governi di tutto il mondo hanno ricevuto oggi un appello urgente e un white paper scientifico da parte di Humane Society International per chiedere un'azione immediata volta a vietare il commercio, il trasporto e il consumo di animali selvatici - in particolare i mammiferi e gli
Zhuhai seconda città cinese a vietare il consumo di carne di cani, gatti e animali selvatici
ROMA/PECHINO—La città di Zhuhai, nella provincia del Guangdong, è diventata la seconda città della Cina continentale a vietare il consumo di carne di cani, gatti e fauna selvatica. Si tratta di un passo importante che gli attivisti della Humane Society International sperano darà inizio ad un vero e