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Workplace giving programs allow employees to make regular donations to eligible charities through their company's payroll system. Employees may contribute a set amount per paycheck or make a one-time gift.

How does workplace giving work?

You determine the charities you choose to support and pledge a tax-deductible donation amount. Your pledged donation amount is automatically deducted from payroll, offering a convenient means of giving—and the potential to make an even greater impact by year-round sustained giving, without losing the tax benefits of charitable giving.

Many workplaces, from private companies, military organizations and federal, state and city governments coordinate charitable giving during a specified open enrollment period.

Why give to the Humane World for Animals?

Since 1954, Humane World for Animals, formerly called the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, has led the fight for all animals. Whether you choose to donate $2, $5, $10 or more per paycheck, or make a one-time contribution, your donations help us seek a humane and sustainable world for all animals—a world that will also benefit people.

How to sign up for workplace giving

  • Federal employees: Military and federal employees can give through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). You can find us under America's Charities or alphabetically listed as "Humane World for Animals". The Humane World for Animals CFC number is 11894.
  • City and state employees: Local municipality, city and state employees can give to Humane World for Animals by selecting the Humane World for Animals by name and Tax Identification #53-0225390.
  • Private company employees: Many employees can give to the charity of their choice through their workplace giving campaign. If you don't see the HSUS listed in your company's campaign, simply type or write in "Humane World for Animals, Tax Identification #53-0225390, Address: 1255 23rd Street, NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20037" within the form provided by your employer.

If you're a current workplace giving donor with questions or seeking information, please contact us or call 866-720-2676.

Ask your employer to feature Humane World for Animals during the Workplace Giving Campaign

Ask your employer to feature Humane World for Animals, formerly called the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International, as a charity choice during the annual employee charitable giving campaign season. Companies want to empower employees by offering them a choice in the nonprofits they can support—causes their employees are passionate about.

Partner with the Humane World for Animals

Are you an employer who wishes to partner with the Humane World for Animals? In addition to Workplace Giving and Matching Gifts, there are other ways to partner including trademark licensing, commercial co-venture, in-kind giving (gifts of products and services) or event sponsorship. Learn more about how to partner with us.

For more information, contact us.

Leave a legacy of compassion

Because of generous, forward-thinking friends like you, animals will have a strong and vocal advocate well into the future. Your personal legacy will help save the lives of all animals, help us to advocate on their behalf and sustain our agenda to drive transformational change.