Found 82 results for Dogs
Introducing your new dog to your other dogs
Introduce on neutral territory. It’s best to let dogs become familiar with each other on neutral territory: outdoors. Each dog should be walked separately on a leash, and each walker should have a bag
What to do about prairie dogs
Prairie dogs are one of the most controversial and widely misunderstood wildlife species in North America. Since early European migration onto the North American grasslands, prairie dogs have been
How to find a lost dog
When your beloved dog is lost, it can be a traumatic experience for both of you. But don't panic—you need to think clearly, act quickly and create a game plan for recovering your pet based on typical
How to find obedience classes or dog trainers
Whether you're potty training a new pup or struggling with positive reinforcement, you might want to consult a qualified dog trainer and/or enroll your pooch in a class. “A lot of people say ‘I know
Resource guarding in dogs
What is resource guarding? If you’ve ever watched as your pup stands rigid over their favorite toy, staring down any other dog who comes close, you might’ve witnessed resource guarding. The term
Why are dogs afraid of thunder?
The anticipation of a storm can give many pets and their owners anxiety. We don't always know why some dogs are afraid of thunder, and these types of fears may develop even if your dog has had no
Is it okay to chain or tether dogs?
Contents What is meant by "chaining" or "tethering" dogs? Why do people tether their dogs? Why is tethering bad for dogs? How does tethering dogs pose a danger to humans? How should dogs be confined
Is my dog sick? Try this at-home exam
Is my dog’s nose supposed to be wet? (Yes, but not dripping.) What color are healthy dog gums? (Pale pink, but not red.) At-home exams are no substitute for regular veterinary visits, but they can
How to get your dog to stop digging
Entertainment Dogs may dig for entertainment when they learn that roots and soil "play back." Your dog may be digging for entertainment if: They're left alone in the yard for long periods of time
How to crate train your dog or puppy
Crate training a puppy takes advantage of the dog’s natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when the environment around them becomes too loud or overwhelming. It’s an
How to get your dog to stop barking
Here's a list of six techniques that can help reduce your dog or puppy’s barking. While all can be successful, you shouldn't expect miraculous results overnight and what might work for your pup may
How to stop your dog's destructive chewing
Sooner or later, many dog lovers return home to find some unexpected damage inflicted on their furniture, shoes or other items by their dog or, more specifically, their dog's teeth. Although dogs make
How to stop your dog from jumping up
Dogs jump for all kinds of reasons: attention, excitement or not knowing what else to do when they see a person. Does your dog jump on you as if they've got springs on their feet? Like it or not, we
How to groom your dog at home
Grooming doesn't just keep your dog looking good and smelling nice—regular maintenance of your dog’s fur, ears, nails and teeth prevents painful and costly health issues that may require a
How to reward dogs via positive reinforcement training
Dogs respond best to praise—and food or toys. Positive reinforcement training uses a reward for desired behaviors. Because the reward makes them more likely to repeat the behavior, positive
How to check for and remove ticks on dogs
If your dog spends a lot of time outside, tick checks should be part of your daily routine. In many areas of the United States, ticks are active year-round, even after a killing frost. Here’s how to
How to bring your new dog home and make them feel welcome
Bringing a new dog into your life is an exciting event, but it’s also one that can be stressful for both you and your pup until you’ve settled into a routine. It can take days, months or longer for
How to stop your dog from peeing in the house
Dogs peeing in unwanted spots, whether it’s in the house or on top of a flower garden in the backyard, can be stressful for pet owners. But with some work and patience, you can address the problem and
How to care for and train blind dogs or cats
Whether you’re adopting a blind pet or your longtime companion is losing their vision, you want to do what’s best for your vision-impaired animal. Follow these tips on helping blind cats and dogs to
Calm a dog with separation anxiety symptoms
Canine separation anxiety is a disorder that can develop when a pet is away from the human or other animal to whom they’re most bonded. It results in a spectrum of behaviors that can include trembling