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By the numbers

We must rethink our food systems. That's why, at Humane World for Animals, we're using science and advocacy to persuade corporations, financial institutions, food and food service companies, governments and producers to improve the lives of farmed animals raised for food and shift toward a more plant-forward, climate-friendly global food system. 

94.4 billion
land animals

are kept and killed for food each year, most from industrial farms

84.6 billion
of those

are chickens kept for eggs and chickens slaughtered annually for meat

food companies

have pledged to eliminate eggs and/or pork from caged animals in their supply chains

Take a look inside the issue

Industrial animal agriculture is one of the largest sources of animal suffering in the world. Among the many animal welfare problems, billions of animals are confined to cages or crates so small they can barely move.

Pigs confined in cramped spaces

Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals Media

Pigs kept in crates face a host of physical and psychological health issues.

The cycle of cruelty

Pregnant pigs in the pork industry are kept in metal crates so narrow they can't even turn around. They stay in these crates for almost four months while pregnant, and after giving birth, they are moved to a crate of the same size for three to four more weeks. This cycle repeats with every litter of piglets until the mother pig is sent to slaughter at just 5 or 6 years old.

Chickens spend their lives in tiny cages.

Stefanie McNerney/Humane World for Animals

Chickens are forced to spend their whole lives in tiny cages.

A confined life

Hens used for egg production are crowded into small wire cages, each hen with less space than the area of a sheet of paper, until they are killed on the farm or sent to slaughter at about 2 years old, even though hens will naturally live to seven years or more.



Methane is a significant problem.

Bad for animals, bad for the planet

More than 16.5% of greenhouse gases come from animal agriculture, similar to the emissions from global transportation.

Take Action

Discover how you can make a difference for animals suffering on farms.

Related Petitions to Issue

You can stop factory farming and other animal cruelty.

Animals on factory farms never breathe fresh air or feel grass beneath their feet. Your generous gift will support our work to improve the lives of farm animals.
