Kierstin Luckett & Lauren Rager / Chimp Haven
Humane World Blog
Pictured above: Al, a 51-year-old chimpanzee previously used in biomedical research, sees his new sanctuary home for the...
In a victory that will likely prevent significant suffering for millions of farm animals, the Supreme Court today snuffed out...

I lost my mother this week. She was 92 years old, and she packed most of those years with a remarkable compassion for animals...

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson We are on Capitol Hill today for the swearing in of the 116 th Congress, along with Humane...

Over the weekend, Americans were shocked by an incident at the Conservators Center in North Carolina, a privately run wild...

California has once again topped our 2018 Humane State rankings list, after overwhelmingly passing the strongest farm animal...

As 2018 draws to a close, so too does the 115th Congress. Each year, the federal team at our affiliate Humane Society...

We’re fierce defenders of wildlife in the United States, and we made major strides on that front in 2018. We won major...

The rescue and reunion of animals whose lives we touch comprise the most joyful elements of our work within the Humane...

Today, in a crucial victory for animals, President Trump signed into law the Farm Bill minus the anti-animal King amendment...
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"A Humane World" is the official blog of Humane World for Animals—a first-hand account of our ongoing efforts to protect animals, as told by our president and CEO, Kitty Block. Subscribe for regular updates.
Kitty Block
Kitty Block is the chief executive officer and president of Humane World for Animals, as well as chief executive officer of Humane World Action Fund.