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Protecting equines
HSUS, HSLF file lawsuit to compel USDA to reinstate soring rule

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson Just weeks after the historic passage of the Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act, H.R. 693...

Animals in research
Cruel cosmetics banned in Illinois; third U.S. state to do so after California, Nevada

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson The United States has moved one step closer to ending unnecessary cosmetics testing on...

A new HSUS video underscores the harms caused by trophy hunting of mountain lions

A new video we’ve released blows the lid off of a dirty secret, that America's iconic mountain lions are being killed at...

Federal government finalizes changes to weaken Endangered Species Act

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson In the past two years, our federal government has waged war against the Endangered Species...

Farmed animal welfare
Breaking news: Oregon governor signs law ending cage confinement for egg-laying hens

We have just secured another monumental win for hens confined in tiny cages in the egg industry. Moments ago, Oregon Governor...

Seeing wolves at Denali? Let’s hope it’s not too late

Update: On August 13, Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang denied an emergency petition from 60...

Protecting equines
PZP Immunocontraception Conference draws wildlife managers from around the world

Today, I’ve turned the blog space over to my colleague, Stephanie Boyles Griffin, Senior Scientist in the HSUS’s Wildlife...

Protecting equines
Nashville calls for an end to cruel horse soring

By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson Just weeks after the U.S. House of Representatives’ historic passage of the Prevent All...

Farmed animal welfare Protecting equines
Get some “Humane Voices” in your head

I talk to the media pretty regularly about issues and threats facing animals today and about all that we’re doing to help...