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Wildlife protection
Remembering the life of Tokitae, AKA Lolita, the orca whale

On Friday afternoon, news broke that the 57-year-old solitary orca at Miami Seaquarium known as “Lolita” died suddenly of...

Protecting equines
Breaking: New regulations could finally protect horses from ‘soring’ cruelty

There’s new hope for ending the painful practice of horse soring: a long-awaited new administrative rule from the U.S...

Animal rescue and response
Disasters in Greece, Beijing, Maui and elsewhere highlight the need to help animals

In the aftermath of devastating wildfires that claimed the lives of a still unknown number of people on Maui, we mourn with...

Wildlife protection Animal rescue and response
Undercover sting busts black-market ring of snake traffickers in Florida

Forest cobra, inland taipan, bushmaster, rhinoceros viper, African bush viper, Gaboon viper, green mamba, eyelash viper, puff...

Farmed animal welfare
Why ballot measures matter for animal welfare

Last week, Ohioans showed up at the polls to defend a core tenet of democracy that is vitally important to the animal...

Animal rescue and response
Dogs saved from suspected dogfighting operation are beginning to recover

It was just after dawn when the Gaston County Police Department served a search and seizure warrant on a residential property...

Wildlife protection
All the reasons we’re fighting to protect coyotes, America’s ‘song dog’

For years we have been working to prevent the wanton slaughter of animals in wildlife killing contests . The c oyote, an...

Animal rescue and response
Dog import rule would dramatically impact rescue work and people traveling with pups

After Hurricane Irma struck in 2017, we responded to the British Virgin Islands where the storm had caused terrible...

Animal rescue and response
Meet Enzo, one of nearly 4,000 beagles who was spared from laboratory life 1 year ago

Enzo was just a tiny puppy when he was lifted into a carrier and placed in one of our animal rescue vehicles last July. He...