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Animal rescue and response
Lemurs rescued from shuttered zoo leap when they see their new home

Over the years at the only zoo in Puerto Rico, hurricanes, COVID, damaged infrastructure and alleged underfunding had taken a...

Access to care for pets Animal rescue and response
Providing care to Chile’s much beloved ‘prison cats’

In the Santiago Sur Criminal Detention Center, one of Chile’s oldest prisons, hundreds of cats live alongside 4,482 inmates...

Farmed animal welfare
USDA finalizes organic farming rule, clarifying gestation crate ban for animal welfare and public health

In a historic move, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program has issued the final Organic Livestock and...

Animal rescue and response
How one country spayed and neutered nearly 100% of its street dog population 

Across Asia, more than 300 million dogs live on the streets. Many battle hunger and disease, and most do not live long enough...

Animals in research
Beagles arrive on Capitol Hill in support of Better CARE for Animals Act

This week, we had the pleasure of gathering with beagles and lawmakers on Capitol Hill to show our support for a promising...

Animal rescue and response
110 cats and kittens recovering after rescue from alleged cruelty situation

Last week, in Chesterfield County, Virginia, local authorities arrived at a residence to serve a search and seizure warrant...

Access to care for pets
Celebrating veterinary students working to increase access to care

A signature strength of our movement is that people from all backgrounds and perspectives care about animals and want to help...

Farmed animal welfare
Pigs are intelligent, emotional animals, and here’s what we’re doing to protect them

For decades, the Humane Society of the United States has advocated on behalf of animals raised and killed for meat. One of...

Animals in research
Progress! California passes law to expand use of non-animal alternatives in testing labs

Fewer animals will suffer in experiments in California laboratories thanks to a bill sponsored by the Humane Society of the...