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Urgent alert: Help stop cruel hunting methods in Alaska, like killing wolf pups at their dens, shooting hibernating mother bears

A rule proposed by the federal government to reintroduce some of the cruelest of hunting methods to national preserves in...

Save the whales -- again

For someone who’s been supporting the protection of whales as long as I have, the prospect of a return to commercial whaling...

As Fashion Week begins, Burberry goes fur-free and new campaign targets Prada

*Editor's note: HSUS and the Fur Free Alliance are in open dialogue with Prada, and we should have an update soon. Please...

Wild animals need space, not selfies

It could have been a heartwarming story but it quickly turned into tragedy. Earlier this week, numerous media outlets...

Animals in research
Victory! California becomes first state to reject animal testing for cosmetics

California made history late Friday night when it became the first state in the nation to pass legislation that ends the sale...

Breaking news: Federal judge blocks Wyoming and Idaho plans to open season on grizzly bears

A federal judge in Montana last night issued an order blocking what would have been the first trophy hunting season on...

Animals in research
After a lifetime in labs, 10 older chimpanzees get a permanent home at Project Chimps sanctuary

For Precious and nine other female chimpanzees who have spent their lifetimes in research laboratories, this week marks the...

Farmed animal welfare Animal rescue and response
HSI reunites pets with families, distributes much-needed supplies in flood-ravaged Indian state of Kerala

The floods have now abated in Kerala, but they’ve left massive destruction in their wake. Millions of people and animals have...

Protecting equines
As annual walking horse event begins in Tennessee, country music star Tanya Tucker calls for an end to soring

This week, a few hundred industry participants have gathered in Shelbyville, Tennessee, for the 80 th annual Tennessee...