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U.S. will allow Texas billionaire to import trophy of critically endangered black rhino he killed

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will allow an American trophy hunter who killed a critically endangered black rhino to...

Animal rescue and response
Rescuers wade through floods to pull out stranded animals in the Carolinas

Yesterday, emergency officials in Horry County, South Carolina, which has been bracing for record flooding following...

Breaking news: Los Angeles votes to ban fur; largest U.S. city to do so

The Los Angeles City Council has just voted unanimously to ban the sale of fur within city limits, making this the largest...

World says 'no' to Japan's bid to restart whaling; reaffirms commitment to conserve whales

Japan’s package of proposals seeking to upend the 33-year global commercial whaling moratorium was soundly rejected last week...

India mandates new regulations to stop animal cruelty and neglect by pet stores

India has seen a boom in pet ownership in recent years, and there has been a corresponding increase in the number of pet...

Animal rescue and response
HSUS helps transport hundreds of pets away from Florence's fury; stands by for search and rescue in aftermath

As Hurricane Florence batters the coast of the Carolinas, wreaking havoc with screaming winds and lashing rain, our Humane...

Farmed animal welfare
Hollywood celebrities ask McDonald’s to curb chicken abuse

Twenty of Hollywood’s biggest names, including Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon and Joaquin Phoenix, today sent a joint letter to...

Breaking news: U.S. House votes to crack down on dog and cat meat, wildlife trafficking

For many years now, Humane Society International has been at the forefront of a hot war against the dog and cat meat trade...

Animal rescue and response
As Hurricane Florence barrels toward East Coast, HSUS Animal Rescue Team moves to keep animals safe

As severe weather events have become more frequent and more destructive in recent years, our Animal Rescue Teams at the...