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At Humane World for Animals, we believe that knowledge is the key to better lives for pets, wildlife and the people who care for them. Our expert-curated Animal Care Resources library provides trusted, science-backed guidance on pet adoption, health, behavior, and humane solutions for coexisting with wildlife.

We've compiled these resources to help you make informed, compassionate decisions—whether you’re welcoming a new pet, navigating behavior challenges or seeking humane ways to manage wildlife conflicts.

Animal Care Resources

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Orange cats cuddling together
Pet health and safety
How to introduce new cats to your home

Welcoming a new cat to your home can be difficult when you already have a resident cat. Learn how you can help two or more felines get acquainted.

Advocates gather outside Pennsylvania's capitol to show support for stronger animal cruelty laws
Be an advocate for animals
Be an effective citizen lobbyist to protect animals

Meet your federal, state and local legislators in district offices at least once or twice a year because politicians know that engaged constituents mobilize more voters.

An HSUS volunteer feeds a rescue dog from a cannister of treats
Be an advocate for animals
Volunteer with our Animal Rescue Team
About our volunteers Animal rescue volunteers (ARVs) work with our  Animal Rescue Team to help save animals who are victims...
Gray Squirrel in tree eating berries
Humane backyards
Build a humane backyard habitat for wildlife

Here are 13 ways you can turn your backyard into a habitat that supports wildlife.

Coyote in a meadow
Humane wildlife management
Coyote hazing: Scare coyotes off to keep them away

Coyotes generally avoid people. But if you encounter coyotes who have adapted to urban or suburban environments, hazing techniques can teach them to keep away.

Mother fox nursing several kits
Humane wildlife management
What to do about foxes

Foxes are usually no cause for alarm, but if you have backyard chickens, you'll need to protect them. Here's what to do if you see a fox in your neighborhood.

Two bored dogs trying to escape from yard squeeze under fence
Pet health and safety
Keep your dog from running away by knowing why they escape

Learn how to keep your dog in your yard or at home so they don't get lost, get hurt, contribute to pet overpopulation, or end up causing costly damage.

A father and his daughter play with their beagle puppy
Pet health and safety
How to bring your new dog home and make them feel welcome

Preparation and patience are key while your dog adjusts to a new home and you learn to live together.

wild mouse
Humane wildlife management
Glue trap FAQs

Q: What are glue traps? A: Glue traps, also known as glue boards, are trays coated with an extremely strong adhesive. Any...

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