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Nevada desert Bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensison, a rock cliff close up portrait
Wildlife protection
Keeping your distance

The chance to see wild animals draws millions of people outdoors each year. But when we engage with wildlife inappropriately, we often inadvertently harm the animals we’re admiring.

Teddy the beagle running
Animals in research
Laps, not labs

How we’re fighting to end experiments on dogs and get these animals the homes they deserve.

Filthy conditions surrounding dogs inside a puppy mill.
Stopping puppy mills
Their ‘moments’ have passed

Abuses at puppy mills, roadside zoos and other facilities must now be posted online.

Ray J the dog tied with heavy chains to a tree.
Ending animal fighting Dog and cat welfare
Coming together for dogfighting survivors

Collaborating with law enforcement, HSUS helps to rescue 275 dogs and take down an alleged dogfighting operation in South Carolina.

Photo of a beagle with a toy in it's mouth
Animals in research Animal rescue and response
Going big for beagles

Spared from life in a lab, almost 4,000 dogs now find hope in our care and rehabilitation center in Maryland.

Illustration of pet photos on the wall, a floating shelf with pet urns, flowers, and candles.
Dog and cat welfare
Grieving the loss of a companion animal

When pets pass, some owners find healing in historically human mourning rituals.

Illustration of a dog and cat looking out a window at backyard wildlife.
Wildlife protection
It's their world, too

The impact of free-roaming cats on wildlife has long been a hot topic, but the role of dogs gets less attention. It's time to talk about curbing our dogs' instinct to hunt and harass wild animals.

HSUS animal rescue services in action
Dog and cat welfare
Milestones and moments

In this year-end roundup, we reflect on some of our biggest victories in 2022 that you helped make possible.

Black bear looking for food in a trash can.
Wildlife protection
Working toward a peaceful coexistence

In Durango and other parts of the West, the bears are coming to town—and people are learning what to do so everyone, human and bear, stays safe.

All Animals Fall 2021 issue cover

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

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