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Dog shelters delivered in Tennessee
Access to care for pets
How the Humane Society protects outdoor dogs in Tennessee

As winter tightened its grip on Tennessee earlier this year, an HSUS-led initiative brought warmth to pets and the hearts of their owners.

Comic by Patrick McDonnell showing a dog and child hugging
Dog and cat welfare Farmed animal welfare
Drawing from a deeper well

MUTTS cartoonist Patrick McDonnell mixes humor and humane messages.

Lemurs in temporary area at Black Beauty Ranch after being rescued from a zoo in Puerto Rico
Wildlife protection
What's in a name?

With residents named Doritos, Cookie Monster, Pastry and Baby Spice, no one could accuse the Black Beauty Ranch team of being uncreative. But how do they come up with names for all of the animals?

Humane Society of the United States donors Laura & Michael Boswerger look on as a rescued pig grazes and paints during enrichment exercises at Black Beauty Ranch
Wildlife protection
How we keep animals happy at Black Beauty Ranch

From wind chimes to kids’ toys, you can gift playtime to our sanctuary animals.

Lamurs in an enclosure at Black Beauty Ranch Sanctuary
Animal rescue and response Wildlife protection
How Black Beauty Ranch caregivers tailor care for every resident

From matchmaking to sunscreen, here's how we ensure the happiness and health of sanctuary animals.

Distracting her with favorite foods, sanctuary staff bathe Maggie before applying lotion to treat skin cancer farmed pigs like her often develop
Wildlife protection Animal rescue and response
How we care for sick and senior animals at Black Beauty Ranch

Caregivers at Black Beauty Ranch ensure rescued animals spend their final days in comfort.

Felicia the farm cat sits on a fence post at Black Beauty Ranch.
Dog and cat welfare
What is a "barn cat?"

Barn cat or garden cat programs provide homes for cats like Felicia, who lives at Black Beauty Ranch.

 alligator snapping turtle nicknamed “the kraken” surfaces in a sanctuary pond
Wildlife protection
Meet the unofficial residents of Black Beauty Ranch

The sanctuary’s unspoiled habitat draws native wildlife like a snapping turtle nicknamed 'the kraken.'

Group of equines at Black Beauty Ranch
Animal rescue and response Wildlife protection
Meet a few of the rescued animals who live at our Black Beauty Ranch sanctuary

Learn more about some of the rescued animals who call Black Beauty Ranch home.

All Animals Fall 2021 issue cover

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

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