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baby robin sitting in a nest
Wildlife protection
A resting place for all

Edited by Harrison and fellow photographer Kim Nagy, Dead in Good Company offers an intimate view of Mount Auburn, weaving tales of lives ended with stories of those just beginning.

Wearing gloves, Lori Thiele relocates the baby squirrels to a cardboard pet carrier
Wildlife protection
Untimely evictions

Prune trees carefully to avoid harming wild families. Given the chance, wild parents often carry displaced babies to alternate nests. But countless animals never have that opportunity.

open gate leading into a lush green garden
Wildlife protection
Wild by design

Homeowners usually focus more on readying properties for resale than nurturing a home for other species. Research reveals that even when people want to garden ecologically, the desire to match the Joneses’ sterile turfgrass yard is a more powerful draw. Here's how to garden for wildlife without upsetting your neighbors.

brown rabbit in the grass
Wildlife protection
Gardening with rabbits

Coexisting with these shy plant-eaters is easier than you think.

hummingbirds sipping nectar from bright red flowers
Wildlife protection
Beyond the tulip

Though they’re often celebrated as harbingers of spring and rebirth, commoditized tulips are too overbred to welcome pollinators and too prized as decorative possessions to be shared with larger wildlife. Trade garden-variety bulbs for wildlife-friendly plants.

a bluebird sits on a tree with a loud weed whacker in background
Wildlife protection
Let’s go make some quiet

Studies are beginning to show why it might be best to turn down the volume.

Butterfly and bee in a humane backyard in Maryland
Wildlife protection
Beyond the backyard

Every outdoor space, whether a transformed city plot or a suburban pocket prairie, matters to animals. Here’s how to reclaim land for wildlife well beyond your own backyard.

Turtle crossing the rural road
Wildlife protection
Roadside assistance

Millions of animals die in the road. How can we help?

small mouse hiding in brush
Wildlife protection
A modern-day DDT?

Rodenticides wreak havoc across the animal kingdom. Animal advocates are fighting to end the use of these dangerous chemicals and protect wildlife.

All Animals Fall 2021 issue cover

Meredith Lee/The HSUS

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