Found 107 results for deer
How to humanely keep deer away from gardens and cars
Wildlife habitat is increasingly engulfed by suburban sprawl, and the white-tailed deer has not only adapted but thrives in our altered landscapes. Short-cropped lawns and tasty flowers in suburban
Avoid hitting deer and other animals at night with your car
Wild animals are forced to cross roads and highways in search of food, water, cover and mates—placing them in the path of our speeding vehicles. Each year, there are roughly 1.5 million vehicle
Deer contraception hits the target
Deer contraception study shows how contraception might fit into comprehensive humane deer management plans for communities.
Deer eat my garden—and it flourishes
Living alongside deer for decades, I’ve learned that gardens can thrive in their presence—to the point where our habitat now hosts uncommon butterflies, drawn to plants the deer leave untouched.
Breaking news: Pennsylvania charges two teens who abused a dying deer with animal cruelty under Libre's Law
In November, Americans were stunned by a viral video that showed two teenagers kicking and stomping an injured white tail deer they had just shot. In the 30-second clip, Alex Smith, 18, and his companion could be seen laughing and ripping off one of the deer’s antlers as the injured animal tried to
Pennsylvania teen who tortured dying deer avoids prison sentence; case highlights need for mental health evaluations in animal cruelty instances
A Pennsylvania court this week allowed an 18-year-old to avoid prison time for a crime that shocked Americans when a viral video of it surfaced earlier this year: in the video, the young man and his friend were seen torturing a dying deer, kicking him in the head and even ripping off his antler as
Out of season
Culling abundant deer populations is controversial and often ineffective. The HSUS is helping create humane alternatives.
How to help orphaned or injured baby wild animals
It's common to see baby wild animals outside during spring as a new generation makes its way into the world. Sometimes you’ll even see these babies alone, with no parent in sight. For animal lovers
Questions and answers about immunocontraception
What is immunocontraception? Immunocontraception is a birth control method that uses the body's immune response to prevent pregnancy. Why is Humane World for Animals sponsoring research in
How to protect vegetable or flower gardens from animals
Your garden couldn’t flourish without wildlife. Butterflies, bees, bats and hummingbirds help with pollination, while groundhogs, moles and worms work on soil aeration, just to mention a few of the
Utah’s wildlife agency goes trigger happy with cougar killing quota increase
For the better part of a decade, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) has proposed annual increases to the number of cougars that trophy hunters can kill in that state, despite widespread public opposition. Now, DWR is looking not merely to increase hunting quotas, but to open up the
Don’t fence them in
We can all prevent supposedly animal-friendly landscaping methods from backfiring through careful product selection and monitoring. Here are a few tips.
What do wildlife need in winter? Plants!
What we do (or don’t do) outside affects whether wildlife live to see another spring. This winter, use this checklist to cultivate a year-round home for your wild neighbors.
How to prevent conflict and protect animals from cougars
Once robust, populations of cougars (also known as mountain lions or pumas) have declined drastically across most of their range in the Americas. The population decline is due to the impact of
Shooting fish in a barrel: U.S. canned hunting industry offers 'menus' of rare animals for a thrill kill
The canned hunting industry is often associated with countries like South Africa, where wealthy trophy hunters can pick out and shoot captive-bred lions in enclosures for a hefty price tag. It is, literally, the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel, and it is a practice so shameful, many hunting
How wild animals help each other
Through careful observation and humane gardening, it doesn’t take long to see that many animals shape homelands for creatures large and small, often in hidden ways.
Naturally get rid of wild rabbits in your garden
There are several species of wild rabbits—most are Eastern cottontail rabbits—who live across most of North America. Cottontails like to live at the edges of open areas. In fact, they are rarely found
Breaking: New York outlaws wildlife killing contests
Today Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation to ban wildlife killing contests in New York state. This is a wonderful moment for wildlife, as New York has been the scene of more than 20 of these senseless spectacles each year. The contests targeted a broad range of animals including coyotes, foxes
Breaking news: Washington becomes seventh U.S. state to outlaw wildlife killing contests
Washington has just outlawed wildlife killing contests—the seventh state to do so in the past six years. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission voted 7-2 this morning to pass a rule ending these gruesome spectacles where participants kill large numbers of wild animals simply for the thrill and
Fostering human-wildlife coexistence, species by species and place by place, worldwide
Compassionate coexistence. It’s such a simple and worthy goal, yet it’s one of the areas in which the human aspiration to do right by wildlife still falls well short of what animals deserve. That’s why building global capacity and commitment for humane and effective approaches to resolving human