Found 3902 results
Eat green in 2018! A Delicious and easy way to improve your health and the health of our environment
With plant-based protein predicted to be one of the biggest food trends in 2018 and sustainable food consumption on the rise, now is the ideal time to embrace positive change and join the green revolution. Green Monday SA is a food resolution you’re likely to actually keep. This global movement
The University of Witwatersrand and HSI Africa launch innovative new green menu at all dining halls
Johannesburg—Today, the University of Witwatersrand (WITS) launched an innovative new Green menu, offering 23 delicious plant-based dishes in all six of its residence dining halls as part of Humane Society International-Africa’s (HSI-Africa) Green Monday South Africa (Green Monday SA) program. One
Animal protection groups welcome denouncement of captive-bred or “canned" lion hunts from one of the largest U.S. trophy hunting clubs
Johannesburg—Humane Society International and Blood Lions® welcome the announcement by U.S pro-trophy hunting group Safari Club International that it will no longer allow the promotion or auctioning of hunts involving African lions bred and shot in captivity. SCI says that canned hunting “has
HSI/Africa responds to announcement of South Africa 2018 export quota for 1,500 captive lion skeletons
WASHINGTON—Yesterday, South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs announced the 2018 lion bone export quota. The approved quota of 1,500 skeletons is effective from June 7, 2018. Humane Society International/Africa’s executive director, Audrey Delsink, issued the following statement: “The
New poll: vast majority of South Africans believes the lion breeding industry harms the country’s international reputation
CAPE TOWN—On the first of a two-day South African Parliamentary inquiry into the lion breeding industry, a new nationwide survey of South African citizens reveals overwhelming public concern about the industry, with a vast majority agreeing it is harmful to the country’s international reputation
On World Lion Day, tourists are urged to shun South Africa's lion cub petting industry
MEDIA DOWNLOADS CAPE TOWN—South African actress and wildlife advocate Pearl Thusi is collaborating with Humane Society International/Africa to warn residents and especially travellers to South Africa not to visit tourist attractions that offer lion cub petting and lion walks. These facilities breed
Advocates deliver more than 75,000 names calling for a ban on trophy hunting of grizzly bears in British Columbia
Animal advocates delivered more than 75,000 names from across the globe calling on the government of British Columbia to ban the trophy hunting of grizzly bears. The groups delivered the names to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in 30 cube boxes containing 21,000
Humane Society International/Canada criticizes Quebec government intention to ban certain dog breeds
Martin Coiteux, the Quebec Minister of Public Security, under the leadership of Philippe Couillard (PLQ), has introduced draft legislation that would give the government new powers to impose restrictions on certain dogs and their owners, including bans on specific breeds. The proposed legislation
Atlantic Canada’s baby seal slaughter begins
The Atlantic Canadian commercial slaughter of baby seals – in which tens of thousands of harp seals just a few weeks of age are shot and clubbed for their fur each year – opened today at 6 am. The mass killing follows a commercial slaughter of several thousand adult seals that was controversially
Mass spay/neuter clinic completed in First Nations community of Wemotaci, Qc
MEDIA DOWNLOADS Humane Society International/Canada and Chiots Nordiques have just completed their 10th mass spay/neuter clinic together in the Atikamekw community of Wemotaci, Quebec. The groups set up a temporary clinic to sterilize 113 animals, with a total of 188 animals receiving essential
Culls not the solution to dog overpopulation in First Nation communities
The tragic dog attack that took the life of Donnelly Eaglestick in the First Nation community of Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba underlines the urgency of managing canine populations actively and properly over time. To prevent dog overpopulation, Humane Society International/Canada advocates for
World Oceans Day event honours conservationist Rob Stewart’s memory, calls on federal government to ban products of shark finning
At an event held ahead of World Oceans Day (June 8), along with Lush Cosmetics and the family of the late Canadian filmmaker and conservationist, Rob Stewart, Humane Society International/Canada is calling on the federal government to ban the import of products of shark finning. Gabriel Wildgen
HSI/Canada applauds BC government for banning trophy hunting of grizzly bears
MONTREAL—The government of British Columbia has prohibited the trophy hunting of grizzly bears throughout the province and all hunting of grizzlies within the Great Bear Rainforest. The announcement, made Monday, follows a commitment by the BC New Democratic Party late last year to stop all trophy
Families of dogs threatened by Montreal’s unfair BSL bylaw granted temporary reprieve
The City of Montreal is granting an extension to families with dogs affected by its discriminatory dog bylaw. The decision follows a recent court challenge against the municipality over a notice sent to 520 city residents, ordering them to relinquish their dogs due to incomplete permit applications
Huge step for animals as Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act passes through Senate Committee
In a key step forward in animal protection, the Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology last night unanimously voted in favour of S-214, the Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act. The proposed legislation will now move to debate and a final vote in the Canadian Senate. If the bill
Jeanne Beker, #BeCrueltyFree Canada call on Senate to pass strong ban on Cosmetics Animal Testing and Trade
Fashion reporter, author and columnist Jeanne Beker is calling on Canada to ban animal testing in the beauty industry. The Canadian fashion and media icon is making her plea on behalf of the #BeCrueltyFree Canada campaign led by Humane Society International and Animal Alliance of Canada, part of the
全台民調顯示,台灣七成消費者反對化妝品動物實驗,而超過六成的民眾希望能修法禁止化妝品動物實驗。此民調由推廣”讓美麗遠離殘酷”運動(Be-Cruelty-Free)的台灣防止虐待動物協會(Taiwan SPCA)和國際人道協會(Humane Society International)委託趨勢民意調查股份有限公司進行。趨勢民意調查股份有限公司在台灣進行的全國性訪問中,首次揭露了台灣消費者對於化妝品動物實驗的看法,台灣民眾反對化妝品動物實驗的態度與世界潮流一同認為美麗應遠離殘酷。”讓美麗遠離殘酷”在全世界主要的化妝品市場也進行了民意調查,如,巴西、加拿大、美國、日本、澳洲、和南韓
殘忍的化妝品動物實驗讓動物飽受許多不必要的痛苦,以現今的化妝品產業發展以及科技程度已經可以捨棄這種過時不可靠的實驗方式,全世界各國陸續立法禁止利用動物做化妝品實驗,包括最近的南韓與紐西蘭,以及之前的歐盟、以色列、以及印度。 全球性終止化妝品動物試驗運動「讓美麗遠離殘酷 Be Cruelty-Free 」的台灣推動團體 - 台灣防止虐待動物協會 (TSPCA) 除了積極推動修法,更找來了愛護動物的知名藝人阿雅、Junior 、與王俐人成為這次運動的宣導大使,接下來的清明節連假期間TSPCA 也將在台北市寵物嘉年華中舉辦化妝品動物實驗小展覽,提升民眾意識
台灣提出 #BeCrueltyFree 法案 望終結化粧品動物實驗及販售其產品
台北報導 – 國際人道協會 (HSI) 保守估計,全球平均每年因研發化粧品新原料而犧牲的動物數量大約有 123,310 至 503,360 隻,而日 前台灣立委王育敏提出了新的法案,望該法案可以終結化粧品進行動物實驗,並禁止針對成品或原料進行新動物實驗 ( 意指於新法施行後仍進行之動物實驗 ) 的化粧品在台販售。這項針對台灣化粧品衛生管理條例提出的修正案是史上最大終結化粧品動物實驗及販售其產品 - #BeCrueltyFree ( 讓美麗遠離殘酷 ) 運動的一部份。 由台灣防止虐待動物協會( TSPCA )及國際人道協會 (HSI) 共同推動的台灣 #BeCrueltyFree 運動
拒絕以動物血淚換取美麗 立委修法禁止化妝品動物實驗
經過台灣防止虐待動物協會(Taiwan SPCA) 與國際人道協會(HSI) 自2014 年起在台灣推動「讓美麗遠離殘酷」運動〈以結束化妝品動物實驗為目標〉,最新全台民調顯示,近七成民眾支持台灣修法禁止化妝品動物實驗,立法委員 王育敏與台灣防止虐待動物協會提出相關草案,並於今(17) 日在立法院召開記者會與台北市愛兔協會可愛的兔子們一同呼籲我國應盡快通過修法,加入零殘酷行列。 記者會現場揭露了化妝品產業背後,醜陋的動物實驗真相,例如眼睛刺激性測試會在白兔眼睛塗上化學物質,以觀察其眼睛是否有發紅、流血、潰爛甚至失明的情形,而且在實驗過程中並不會使用麻醉藥。但因為實驗動物和人體構造及物種的不同