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Legal action initiated to speed Endangered Species Act protections for giraffes
WASHINGTON— Conservation and animal protection groups today filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to consider Endangered Species Act protections for Africa’s rapidly dwindling giraffe population. The groups Center for Biological Diversity, the Humane Society
Unen esfuerzos HSI México y PAOT en prevención y atención de violencia doméstica y maltrato animal
Ciudad de México (15 de octubre de 2020)—Con el objetivo de ofrecer herramientas para identificar y combatir la violencia doméstica y el maltrato animal, la Procuraduría Ambiental y del Ordenamiento Territorial (PAOT) en conjunto con la Físcalía General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México, realizó un
HSI/Canada and Friends of HSI partner with Toronto Community Housing to bring pet food and supplies to residents in need
TORONTO–Humane Society International/Canada (HSI/Canada) and Friends of HSI (FHSI) are partnering with Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) to support residents with companion animals in the GTA’s most underserved communities, which have been particularily hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis. HSI/Canada and
HSI/Canada et Les Amis de HSI s’associent à Toronto Community Housing pour fournir de la nourriture et des produits pour animaux aux résidents qui en ont besoin
TORONTO (le 20 octobre 2020) – Humane Society International/Canada (HSI/Canada) et Les Amis de HSI (FHSI) s’associent à Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) pour venir en aide aux résidents qui possèdent des animaux de compagnie au sein des communautés les moins bien desservies du Grand Toronto, qui ont
New poll shows 84% of South Koreans reject eating dog meat as HSI rescues nearly 200 dogs from meat farm that “smells of death”
SEOUL—A new opinion poll in South Korea shows growing support for a ban on dog meat consumption, with 84% of those polled saying they don’t or won’t eat dog, and almost 60% supporting a legislative ban on the trade. The poll, conducted by Nielsen and commissioned by Humane Society International
MEPs thwart meat industry attempts to ban use of ‘meat’ names for plant-based foods
BRUSSELS—The European Parliament has rejected attempts to ban the use of so-called meat denominations, such as burgers and sausages, for plant-based products. In an amendment to the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in
27 perritos encuentran amor y cuido en sus nuevas familias
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica (23 de octubre de 2020)—Luna es una perrita Schnauzer de 7 años, que no se despega de su dueño, don Marcos Arguedas. Desde que fue adoptada hace dos meses, ella y este adulto mayor se volvieron inseparables: “Lo más lindo de esta historia es que no sólo Luna encontró un hogar
196 dogs saved from South Korea’s dog meat trade arrive in the US to find homes, as new poll shows 84% of South Koreans reject eating dog meat
CHANTILLY, Va.—Some 196 dogs saved from South Korea’s brutal dog meat trade touched down in the United States to start their search for loving homes, thanks to a rescue mission by Humane Society International. Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the rescue effort saw HSI’s U.S. team quarantine for
Salvati quasi 200 cani da un allevamento che “odora di morte” mentre nuovo sondaggio rivela che l'84% dei sudcoreani è contrario alla carne di cane
SEOUL—Un nuovo sondaggio svolto in Corea del Sud evidenzia il crescente sostegno per un divieto al consumo di carne di cane, con l'84% degli intervistati che afferma di non mangiarne e quasi il 60% a favore di misure legislative. Il sondaggio, condotto dalla Nielsen* e commissionato dalla divisione
Fur labelling in the EU
[inline-slider align="alignleft"][/inline-slider] HSI/Europe believes that consumers must be able to make informed decisions about the products they buy. Labelling is an important part of this. In recent years, there has been a significant upsurge in cheap fur products entering the EU market. This
Stella McCartney says fur is immoral, cruel & barbaric as she joins HSI and the HSUS in inspirational anti-fur message to launch the McCartney A to Z Manifesto
A is for Accountable: The McCartney A to Z Manifesto: Spring 2021 Collection is a guiding alphabet of the values and vision of iconic British designer Stella McCartney. A is for accountable—personified by the Adrienne coat, made from repurposed #FurFreeFur, and an original piece by American artist
Covid e visoni, “L’ordinanza di Speranza è un paravento: solo oggi 28mila animali verso l’abbattimento. Gli allevamenti vanno chiusi”
ROMA —“Fermare l’allevamento per i prossimi tre mesi è un provvedimento inutile che non elimina la sofferenza animale, né tanto meno il rischio per la salute pubblica, legato alla diffusione del virus SARS-CoV-2. Solo oggi il Ministero ha ordinato l’abbattimento di 28.000 visoni in un allevamento
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Schockierende investigative Recherchen der HSI zeigen, wie Füchse auf asiatischen Pelzfarmen lebendig gehäutet werden
BERLIN/LONDON—Verstörende, entsetzliche Bilder und Videos, veröffentlicht von der Humane Society International (HSI), enthüllen schockierendes Leid tausender Füchse und Marderhunde, die auf Pelzfarmen in Asien einen grausamen und langwierigen Tod sterben müssen. Es ist zu sehen, wie mehrfach auf den