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Le gouvernement canadien réaffirme son engagement à mettre fin à l'expérimentation animale et au commerce des cosmétiques dans le budget fédéral de 2023
OTTAWA—Aujourd'hui, le gouvernement canadien a présenté son budget fédéral 2023, qui confirme son engagement à interdire l'expérimentation animale et le commerce des cosmétiques. Les défenseurs des animaux Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance Canada et Cruelty Free International
Rząd Kanady potwierdza zobowiązanie do zaprzestania testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach i handlu nimi w budżecie federalnym na 2023 rok
OTTAWA—Rząd Kanady przedstawił budżet federalny na 2023 rok, w którym potwierdził swoje zobowiązanie do wprowadzenia zakazu testowania kosmetyków na zwierzętach i handlu takimi produktami. Humane Society International/Canada, Animal Alliance Canada i Cruelty Free International, wraz z Cosmetics
As news breaks that Hong Kong dog died, Chinese animal groups sign open letter urging pet owners, officials not to abandon or cull dogs in response to coronavirus
WASHINGTON – Sixty-five animal charities and pet shelters from across China have signed an open letter calling for compassion rather than cruelty to dogs and cats, in response to the coronavirus outbreak. News that an elderly dog in Hong Kong belonging to a COVID-19 patient has died following weeks
Mexican Senate passes bill to outlaw cosmetic animal testing
MEXICO CITY—Global animal protection leader Humane Society International and ONG Te Protejo have welcomed a move by Mexico’s Senate to outlaw the practice of animal testing for cosmetics, as well as the manufacture, import or marketing of cosmetics tested on animals anywhere in the world after the
El Senado de la República aprueba iniciativa para prohibir las pruebas cosméticas en animales
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO–La organización con liderazgo global en protección animal, Humane Society International (HSI), y la ONG Te Protejo dieron la bienvenida a la decisión unánime del Senado de la República de prohibir las pruebas cosméticas en animales, así como la fabricación, importación o
Progress! Mizoram moves one step closer to dog meat trade ban as Legislative Assembly amends Animal Slaughter Bill, removing dogs
Mizoram, India -- Mizoram, India has taken the first step towards ending its dog meat trade, by amending the law to remove dogs from the definition of animals suitable for slaughter. In a move welcomed by Humane Society International/India, the Mizoram Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the
Companion animals and COVID-19: get the facts
MONTREAL – In the wake of the unfolding crisis, Humane Society International/Canada is echoing the guidance of public health organizations – including the World Organisation for Animal Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control -- that state there is no evidence at this time that companion
Caring for your pets during the coronavirus pandemic
SAN JOSE — The global health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus can also affect pets, not only because their owners can get sick, but also because of the ways COVID-19 has changed everyday routines. For this reason, animal welfare organization Humane Society International recommends that pet
Mascotas sufren de forma indirecta efecto de la pandemia
SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica – La crisis de salud global causada por el nuevo coronavirus también puede afectar a las mascotas, no solo porque sus dueños puedan enfermarse, sino también por las formas en que el COVID-19 ha cambiado las rutinas diarias. Por esta razón, la organización de bienestar animal
BREAKING: Shenzhen becomes mainland China’s first city to ban eating of dogs, cats and wildlife in consumption and trade crackdown
BEIJING — China’s city of Shenzhen has just passed a ground-breaking law to ban the consumption and production of dog and cat meat, the first city in mainland China to do so. The ban has been welcomed by long-time anti-dog meat trade campaigners Humane Society International as a watershed moment in
Wildlife trade, transport and consumption must end
HSI is urging governments worldwide to permanently ban the trade, transport, and consumption of wildlife. We must act now to close wildlife markets to prevent the next pandemic. Add your name. Read our COVID-19 FAQ Read blog entries on this topic by President and CEO of the Humane Society of the
En el Día Mundial de la Salud, se insta a los gobiernos de todo el mundo a prestar atención al “punto de inflexión” del coronavirus y prohibir el comercio de vida silvestre para reducir el riesgo de futuras pandemias
WASHINGTON—Los gobiernos de todo el mundo recibieron hoy una petición urgente y un reporte científico de la organización Humane Society International, que pide una acción inmediata para prohibir el comercio, el transporte y el consumo de vida silvestre --particularmente mamíferos y aves que se sabe
On World Health Day, governments around the world are urged to heed the coronavirus ‘tipping point’ and ban wildlife trade to reduce risk of future pandemics
WASHINGTON — Governments across the globe have today received an urgent plea and science-based white paper from Humane Society International calling for immediate action to ban wildlife trade, transport and consumption - particularly mammals and birds which are known to contract coronaviruses - in
Calls for global ban on dangerous trade in wild animals for food
WASHINGTON —Wildlife campaigners across the globe from animal charity Humane Society International have called for an urgent worldwide ban on the wildlife trade after China’s announcement that it will prohibit the buying and selling of wild animals for food in light of the mounting threat associated
China’s Ministry of Agriculture states that dogs are pets and not livestock, in what campaigners hope could inspire cities to end brutal dog meat trade
BEIJING—China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has for the first time ever explicitly stated that dogs are companion animals and not “livestock,” in what could potentially be a game-changer moment for Chinese regional governments to follow the lead of Shenzhen city and ban the eating of
BREAKING: A second city in mainland China just banned eating of dogs, cats and wildlife in hoped for “domino effect”
BEIJING—The city of Zhuhai in Guangdong province has become the second city in mainland China to ban the consumption of dog and cat meat, and of wildlife, in what campaigners at animal charity Humane Society International hope will be the start of a domino effect of progressive legislation across
Supreme Court maintains Amazonas ban on cosmetic testing on animals following industry challenge
BRASILIA—The Brazilian Supreme Court decided today that the State of Amazonas was within its rights to promulgate Law 289/2015 banning cosmetic tests on animals in its territory. The law, passed in 2015 by the State Assembly of Amazonas to end these cruel and unnecessary tests, was challenged by the
Supremo Tribunal Federal mantém proibição de testes de cosméticos em animais no estado do Amazonas após ação da indústria
BRASÍLIA (15 de abril de 2020)—O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) decidiu hoje que o estado do Amazonas tem o direito de promulgar a Lei 289/2015, que proíbe testes cosméticos em animais em seu território. A lei, aprovada em 2015 pela Assembleia Estadual do Amazonas para eliminar esses testes cruéis e