Found 3906 results
Federal bill to ban cosmetics testing on animals clears Brazilian Senate
BRASILIA—After nearly a decade in the National Congress, Bill 70/2014, which aims to enact a federal ban on animal testing for cosmetics in Brazil, passed the Senate today. The amended bill, which represents the collaborative work of Humane Society International and the Brazilian Association of the
Projeto de lei federal que proíbe testes de cosméticos em animais é aprovado no Senado
BRASÍLIA—Depois de quase uma década no Congresso Nacional, o Projeto de Lei 70/2014, que visa a proibição federal de testes em animais para cosméticos no Brasil, foi aprovado hoje no Senado. O texto substitutivo do projeto de lei representa o trabalho conjunto da Humane Society International (HSI) e
Viet Nam corporations and producer become the first to commit to policies improving conditions for mother pigs in pork production
HANOI, Viet Nam—Seven grocery stores and a bakery in Viet Nam are supporting Nguyen Khoi Green JSC (the makers of Nguyen Khoi – Natural Pork brand or Nguyen Khoi) to end the gestation crate confinement of female breeding pigs and to implement group housing, which gives these intelligent animals room
Legge di Bilancio: la Commissione Bilancio della Camera scarta l’emendamento per reprimere i combattimenti tra animali
ROMA—È stato pubblicato ieri l’elenco di emendamenti approvati dalla Commissione Bilancio della Camera dei Deputati, al disegno di Legge di Bilancio 2023. Tra questi non risulta purtroppo presente l’emendamento 114.03 che avrebbe introdotto “Disposizioni in materia di spese di custodia di animali
HSI/Korea celebrates new bill to promote non-animal testing in South Korea
SEOUL, South Korea—Humane Society International/Korea welcomes the introduction of the Act on the Vitalization of Development, Dissemination, and Use of Alternatives to Animal Testing Methods (VAAM Act). Assembly member Jeoung Ae Han and 12 other National Assembly members introduced the measure on
동물대체시험법 활성화, 물꼬 트나
더불어민주당 한정애 국회의원(보건복지위원회)이 23일 범정부 차원에서 동물대체시험법에 대한 정보를 공유하도록 하고 동물대체시험법의 활성화를 위해 관련 연구 및 지원을 도모하는 내용을 주요 골자로 하는 『동물대체시험법의 개발, 보급 및 이용 활성화에 관한 법률안』(이하 동물대체시험법 활성화 법률안)을 대표 발의했다. 한정애 의원은 이번 법률안을 통해 동물대체시험법에 대한 법적 근거가 미비하고 범정부 가이드라인이 부재해 관련 산업 지원에 한계가 있음을 지적하고, ▲동물대체시험법이란 첨단 기술 등을 이용하여 동물을 사용하지 않는 방법이나
Are you a startup working for a kinder future? This humane program can help
INDIA—Humane Society International/India launched the third edition of its annual Humane Entrepreneurship program. This platform was designed for social entrepreneurs with early-stage startups that focus on animal welfare and environmental issues. First launched in September 2020, the six-month
Big win for hens: Three Bangkok restaurants join the race toward 100% cage-free eggs
Update: As of January 2023, Gyudon House and Trust Me I'm Chef have published that they no longer buy eggs from caged hens. As of December 2022, Go Coffee and Ice Cream has published that it no longer buys eggs from caged hens. BANGKOK—Humane Society International in Thailand welcomes Gyudon House
UK is urged ‘don’t get left behind’, as California’s statewide ban on fur sales takes effect, and EU petition to ban fur farming and sales reaches 1.2 million signatures
LONDON—The UK risks falling behind on animal welfare as California’s ban on fur sales has now officially taken effect, warns animal charity Humane Society International/UK. While fur farming has been banned on ethical grounds across the UK since the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Acts came into force in
Shocking film of injured, diseased and cannibal foxes on Finnish fur farms comes as 2+ million petition signatures call for UK and EU fur trade bans
LONDON—Shocking footage showing fur-farmed foxes in Finland with weeping and swollen infected eyes and ears; injured and bloodied tails; and deformed, splayed feet has been released by animal protection groups Oikeutta eläimille and Humane Society International/UK. The footage also shows obese
Szokujący film ujawnia skale okrucieństwa wobec zwierząt na fińskich fermach futrzarskich. Jednocześnie ponad milion obywateli UE domaga się unijnego zakazu handlu futrami
HELSINKI, Finlandia— Organizacje ochrony zwierząt, fińska Oikeutta eläimille i Humane Society International/UK ujawniły szokujące nagranie przedstawiające lisy hodowane na futra w Finlandii z zaropiałymi i opuchniętymi oczami i uszami; z poranionymi i zakrwawionymi ogonami; zdeformowanymi
Größte Jagdmesse der EU findet in Dortmund statt
BERLIN —Vom 24. bis 29. Januar findet in Dortmund Europas größte Jagdmesse statt. Über 80 nationale und internationale Aussteller aus Kanada, Argentinien, Namibia, Südafrika, Deutschland, Spanien, Polen und anderen Ländern bieten auf der „Jagd & Hund 2023“ Trophäenjagdreisen an, die zwischen einigen
Largest hunting fair in the EU takes place in Dortmund, Germany
BRUSSELS —From 24 to 29 January, Europe's largest hunting fair will take place in Dortmund, Germany. Over 80 national and international exhibitors from Canada, Argentina, Namibia, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Poland and others, will attend Jagd & Hund 2023, offering trophy hunting trips, that cost
Caccia al trofeo: la più grande fiera di caccia dell'UE si svolge a Dortmund, in Germania
ROMA—È iniziata ieri e continuerà fino al 29 gennaio, a Dortmund, in Germania, la più grande fiera di caccia d'Europa. Oltre 80 gli espositori nazionali e internazionali provenienti da Canada, Argentina, Namibia, Sudafrica, Germania, Spagna, Polonia e altri paesi, che partecipano alla fiera Jagd
Na największych targach łowieckich w UE, organizowanych w Dortmundzie, ponad 80 wystawców oferuje polowania dla trofeów na gatunki chronione międzynarodowym prawem
BRUKSELA— Od 24 do 29 stycznia w Dortmundzie w Niemczech odbywają się największe targi łowieckie w Europie. Ponad 80 krajowych i międzynarodowych wystawców z Kanady, Argentyny, Namibii, Republiki Południowej Afryki, Niemiec, Hiszpanii, Polski i innych krajów weźmie udział w Jagd & Hund 2023
Organ chips, better for humans and animals
In 2021, the number of animals used for research testing in South Korea reached a record high of 4.8 million. This trend of increased animal testing in South Korea cuts against the global trend of development and adoption of innovative, non-animal approaches—the New Approach Methodologies. Despite
35 cross-party MPs mark 20th anniversary of UK fur farming ban, commit to ‘finish the job’ by shutting down the UK fur trade
LONDON—Politicians, celebrities and campaigners gathered in Parliament today to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UK becoming the first country to ban fur farming, and to urge the UK Government to ‘finish the job’ by banning fur imports and sales. The Only Way Is Essex star Pete Wicks attended
End Animal Testing European Citizens’ Initiative validated with over 1.2 million signatures
BRUSSELS—Signed, sealed, and delivered! The “Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics – Commit to a Europe Without Animal Testing” European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has smashed the requirement of gathering 1 million validated signatures, reaching over 1.2 million statements of support from European citizens
Europejska Inicjatywa Obywatelska na rzecz zakończenia testów na zwierzętach z ponad 1,2 milionami potwierdzonych podpisów
BRUKSELA—podpisana, zapieczętowana i dostarczona! Europejska inicjatywa obywatelska (ECI) „Kosmetyki wolne od okrucieństwa – Europa bez testów na zwierzętach” spełniła wymóg zebrania miliona zatwierdzonych podpisów – osiągając ponad 1,2 miliona głosów poparcia od obywatelek i obywateli Unii
Harvey Nichols pledges to go fur-free
LONDON— British department store Harvey Nichols has confirmed that it will stop selling fur by the end of 2023, following an investigation into Chinese fur farms by animal protection organisation Humane Society International/UK. Responding to the news, Claire Bass, senior director of campaigns and